WEP/AOI Analysis for western U.S. Class I Areas
September 25, 2020
Weighted Emissions Potential (WEP) and Area of Influence
(AOI) products are being made available for Regional Haze planning uses in the western U.S. The
analysis was performed for the Most Impaired Days (MID) during each year of the
5-year period from 2014 through 2018 at 76 IMPROVE monitoring sites
representing the 116 Class I Areas (CIAs) in the 13 states of the contiguous WESTAR-WRAP region and neighboring states. The analysis methods and available
products are described below.
Data and Methods
IMPROVE Data for Most Impaired Days
The MID (impairment group 90) at each IMPROVE site during
2014 to 2018 were extracted from the IMPROVE Impairment Daily Budgets dataset
dated April 20, 2020. The extinction
due to ammonium sulfate (Amm_SO4), ammonium nitrate (Amm_NO3), organic aerosol
(OA) and elemental carbon (EC) mass on each MID was extracted for use in the
extinction weighted residence time analysis. The April 20, 2020 dataset references are: Memo and Technical Addendum on Ambient Data Usage and Completeness for the Regional Haze Program (June 3, 2020), Technical Guidance on Tracking Visibility Progress for the Second Implementation Period of the Regional Haze Program (December 20, 2018).
Some of the WRAP region IMPROVE sites had missing MID data:
- The Sycamore Canyon (SYCA) IMPROVE site in Arizona was moved during the 2014-2018 5-year period so the combined MID for the two SYCA sites (the SYCA_RHTS site) were used to obtain a compete 5-year record.
- The Sierra Ancha Wilderness Area (SIAN) IMPROVE site in AZ has insufficient IMPROVE data for 3-years (2016-2018) to calculate the MID, so the WEP/AOI analysis was based on just two-years of back trajectory data (2014-2015). We recommend that the analysis products for the nearby Tonto National Monument (TONT) AZ IMPROVE site be used for SIAN as this site has a complete 2014-2018 5-year record of MID.
- Point Reyes National Seashore (PORE) and Trinity (TRIN) CA IMPROVE sites had insufficient data for 2016 so the WEP/AOI was based on only 4-years of MID (2014, 2015, 2017, 2018).
HYSPLIT Back Trajectory Modeling
The Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory
(HYSPLIT) model[1],[2] was used to
calculate 72-hour back trajectories arriving on each of the MID at four times per
day (6:00, 12:00, 18:00, 24:00 local standard time) and at four heights above
the ground (100 m, 200 m, 500 m and 1,000 m). The archived NAM hybrid
sigma-pressure gridded (NAMS) meteorological data for 2014 to 2018 was
downloaded from the NOAA Air Resources Laboratory FTP server[3] for use in
HYSPLIT model. The NAMS data is output hourly and covers the Contiguous U.S. at
12 km resolution.
Gridded area and facility level point source emissions of
light extinction precursors from the WRAP 2028 On-the-Books a2 (2028OTBa2) modeling
scenario were used to calculate WEP. The following aggregated source sectors
were used for the analysis:
- TOTAL_ANTHRO – All anthropogenic emissions
- PT_EGU – Electric generating unit emissions
- PT_NON-EGU – Point source emissions from industrial activities and airports
- OG_AREA_POINT – Oil and Gas area and point sources (Upstream and Midstream)
- NON-POINT – Low-level area source emissions including non-point, agricultural, residential wood combustion, and fugitive dust emissions
- ON-ROAD – On-road mobile source emissions
- NON-ROAD – Off highway mobile source emissions including non-road, commercial marine (C1, C2, and C3), and rail sources
WEP/AOI Products
The WEP/AOI analysis products are available for 76 IMPROVE
sites that represent 116 Class I areas in the 13 states of the contiguous WESTAR-WRAP region and
neighboring states. The results are calculated for the
12WUS2 modeling domain aggregated to 36-kilometer resolution. Plots are
provided for the 100m and 1000m trajectory heights and for a combined analysis
in which data from all four trajectory heights are aggregated (All). The
products include:
- Plots of residence time (RT), extinction weighted residence time (EWRT), and WEP for each CIA
- Shapefiles of the gridded RT, EWRT and WEP at each CIA for each of the source sectors described (WEP_SHP) above
- Plots of the gridded 2028 OTBa2 emissions used in the WEP analysis for each of the source sectors described (EMISSIONS)
- Excel spreadsheets of facility-level NOx and SO2 emissions from 2028OTBa2 and the corresponding WEP at each CIA (RANK_POINT)
WEP/AOI Image Browser
│ ├──MEVE
│ ├── EWRT
│ ├── RT
│ ├── WEP
│ ├── EC
│ ├── NOX
│ ├── POA
│ ├── SOX
│ ├──CONUS
│ ├── EC
│ ├── NOX
│ ├── POA
│ ├── SOX
│ ├──Hawaii
│ ├── EC
│ ├── NOX
│ ├── POA
│ ├── SOX
Shapefiles of the RT, EWRT, and WEP results by source sector
are provided for each CIA at the link below (WEP_SHP). In each CIA subdirectory
there is a zip file for each source sector containing the ESRI shapefile (.shp)
and related files (.cpg, .dbf, .prj, .shx). The RT, EWRT, and WEP results data are available within the attribute tables of the shapefiles provided which can be accessed in ArcMap or ArcCatalog. The attribute tables can be exported to csv, then opened in Excel. Files are provided for the 100m and
1000m trajectory heights and for a combined analysis in which data from all
four trajectory heights are aggregated (All). The directory structure for the
WEP_SHP is shown below using the MEVE results aggregated across all trajectory
heights as an example.
├── MEVE_AOI_WEP_MID_2028OTB__All_PT_EGU.zip
The facility-level RANK_POINT results for NOx and SO2
are provided at the link below. There is a separate directory for each state
containing the various RANK_POINT Excel spreadsheets. The results for the IMPROVE
monitors in each state are provided in separate tabs. The directory structure
is shown below using Colorado (CO) as an example.
├── CO.RANK_POINT.NOX.1000m.xlsx
├── CO.RANK_POINT.NOX.100m.xlsx
├── CO.RANK_POINT.NOX.All.xlsx
├── CO.RANK_POINT.SO2.1000m.xlsx
├── CO.RANK_POINT.SO2.100m.xlsx
├── CO.RANK_POINT.SO2.All.xlsx
Residence Time (RT):
The RT folder contains plots showing the Area of Influence (AOI) that back
trajectories of air parcels traveling from a given location arrived at a CIA on
the 2014-2018 MID. Example below is provided for the Mesa Verde National Park
(MEVE) Class I area IMPROVE site showing the likelihood a trajectory arrived at
MEVE on the MID during the 5-year period from 2014 through 2018. HYSPLIT 72-hour
back trajectories are calculated to arrive on each of the MID four times a day
(6:00, 12:00, 18:00, 24:00 local standard time) and at four heights above the
ground (100 m, 200 m, 500 m and 1,000 m). Plots are provided for the 100m and
1000m heights and for a combined analysis in which data from all trajectory
heights are aggregated (All). RT plots for Mesa Verde National Park (MEVE) are provided
as an example in Figure 1.

Figure 1.
Residence Time (RT) analysis for Mesa Verde National Park (MEVE) Class I area
IMPROVE monitoring site and back trajectories that arrive at the site on the Most
Impaired Days for each year 2014-2018 at 100 m (left), 1000 m (middle) and
All (right) heights above ground.
Extinction Weighted Residence Time (EWRT): EWRT are
calculated by weighting the HYSPLIT trajectories by the monitored extinction at
the IMPROVE site on each MID. Each Class I area EWRT folder contains 12 plots showing
the extinction weighted for sulfate (Amm_SO4), nitrate (Amm_NO3), Organic
Aerosol (OA) and Elemental Carbon (EC) at three heights (100 m, 1000 m, All) (12
= 3 x 4). Figure 2 shows the EWRT plots for sulfate and nitrate at MEVE using
the aggregated trajectory height analysis (All) as an example.


Figure 2.
Extinction Weighted Residence Time (EWRT) analysis for ammonium sulfate
(Amm_SO4) and ammonium nitrate (Amm_NO3) at the Mesa Verde (MEVE) IMPROVE
monitor for the Most Impaired Days during 2014-2018 aggregated across all
trajectory heights.
Weighted Emissions Potential (WEP): WEP is obtained
by overlaying the EWRT results with 2028OTBa2 emissions of light extinction precursors
(e.g., NOx emissions for ammonium nitrate extinction). The results are then
normalized by the sum of the WEP for the total anthropogenic emissions
(TOTAL_ANTHRO). The WEP folder contains four subfolders corresponding to the
precursor emissions for four major components of light extinction: EC
(Elemental Carbon), NOx (Ammonium Nitrate), POA (Organic Aerosol) and SOx
(Ammonium Sulfate). Each precursor species subfolder contains 21 plots in
which the EWRT at three heights above ground are overlaid with 2028 emissions
from 7 gridded Source Sectors (21 = 3 x 7). The source sectors are described in
the Emissions section above, and example plots for MEVE are shown in Figure 3.
The dark green and light green isopleths in the WEP plots correspond to the,
respectively, 0.5 and 0.1 percent frequency from the corresponding EWRT.




Figure 3.
Weighted Emissions Potential (WEP) analysis for ammonium nitrate extinction
at the Mesa Verde National Park (MEVE) Class I area IMPROVE monitor on the Most
Impaired Days during each year of 2014-2018 for NOx emissions from four Source
Sectors: (1) total anthropogenic (top left), (2) Oil and Gas (top right), (3)
EGU point source (bottom left) and (4) On-road mobile sources (bottom right).
Results are aggregated across all trajectories’ heights.
As described above, shapefiles of the WEP results (along
with RT and EWRT) for each CIA and source sector are also provided. The columns
of the attribute tables of these files are described in Table 1 below.
Table 1. Column listing and description for
the WEP_SHP files.
The column of the grid cell in the 12WUS2 modeling domain (aggregated to 36 km resolution)
The row of the grid cell in the 12WUS2 modeling domain (aggregated to 36 km resolution)
The grid cell of the facility in the 12WUS2 modeling domain (aggregated to 36 km resolution). Format is row (i) *1000 + column (j).
Distance in meters between the grid cell and the IMPROVE monitor that represents the Class I area (D in Q/D calculations). Distances are calculated using the Lambert Conformal Conic projection of the 12WUS2 modeling domain.
Residence time of the grid cell
Residence time of the grid cell as a percentage of the total residence time across all grid cells in the domain.
The Amm_SO4 extinction weighted residence time (EWRT) for the grid cell
The Amm_NO3 extinction weighted residence time (EWRT) for the grid cell
The OA extinction weighted residence time (EWRT) for the grid cell
The EC extinction weighted residence time (EWRT) for the grid cell
The Amm_SO4 extinction weighted residence time (EWRT) for the grid cell as a percentage of the total EWRT for Amm_SO4 across all grid cells
The Amm_NO3 extinction weighted residence time (EWRT) for the grid cell as a percentage of the total EWRT for Amm_NO3 across all grid cells
The OA extinction weighted residence time (EWRT) for the grid cell as a percentage of the total EWRT for OA across all grid cells
The EC extinction weighted residence time (EWRT) for the grid cell as a percentage of the total EWRT for EC across all grid cells
2028OTB NOx emission rate of grid cell in tons per year for source sector (Q in Q/D calculations)
2028OTB SOx emission rate of grid cell in tons per year for source sector (Q in Q/D calculations)
2028OTB EC emission rate of grid cell in tons per year for source sector (Q in Q/D calculations)
2028OTB OA emission rate of grid cell in tons per year for source sector (Q in Q/D calculations)
The grid cell’s NOx emissions (Q_NOX) in tons/year for the given source sector divided by the distance to the IMPROVE monitor (D) in kilometers.
The grid cell’s SOx emissions (Q_SOX) in tons/year for the given source sector divided by the distance to the IMPROVE monitor (D) in kilometers.
The grid cell’s EC emissions (Q_PEC) in tons/year for the given source sector divided by the distance to the IMPROVE monitor (D) in kilometers.
The grid cell’s OA emissions (Q_POA) in tons/year for the given source sector divided by the distance to the IMPROVE monitor (D) in kilometers.
The Amm_NO3 EWRT (ewrt_no3) multiplied by the Q/D for NOx (QD_NOX) for the grid cell
The Amm_SO4 EWRT (ewrt_so4) multiplied by the Q/D for SOx (QD_SOX) for the grid cell
The PEC EWRT (ewrt_ec) multiplied by the Q/D for EC (QD_PEC) for the grid cell
The PEC EWRT (ewrt_oa) multiplied by the Q/D for OA (QD_POA) for the grid cell
The Amm_NO3 EWRT (ewrt_no3) multiplied by the Q/D for NOx (QD_NOX) for the grid cell as a percentage of the total WEP for the Total Anthropogenic NOx emissions summed across all grid cells.
The Amm_SO4 EWRT (ewrt_so4) multiplied by the Q/D for SOx (QD_SOX) for the grid cell as a percentage of the total WEP for the Total Anthropogenic SOx emissions summed across all grid cells.
The PEC EWRT (ewrt_ec) multiplied by the Q/D for EC (QD_PEC) for the grid cell as a percentage of the total WEP for the Total Anthropogenic EC emissions summed across all grid cells
The PEC EWRT (ewrt_oa) multiplied by the Q/D for OA (QD_POA) for the grid cell as a percentage of the total WEP for the Total Anthropogenic OA emissions summed across all grid cells
Rank Point (RANK_POINT): The RANK_POINT spreadsheets
consist of facility level 2028OTBa2 emissions for NOx or SO2 sources
overlaid with the corresponding EWRT for Amm_NO3 or Amm_SO4, respectively, for
3 trajectory height scenarios (100m, 1000m and All). There is a separate
directory for each state containing the various RANK_POINT Excel spreadsheets.
The results for the CIAs in each state are provided in separate tabs.
These results can be used to assess
the potential contributions of specific facilities to visibility impairment at
each Class I Area in various ways. Sorting the facilities by the
WEP metrics for Amm_NO3 extinction (WEP_NO3) and Amm_SO4 extinction
(WEP_SO4) is recommended. These metrics account the air parcel trajectories and extinction on
the MID, facility precursor emissions, and facility distance from the IMPROVE
monitor. The columns of the RANK_POINT sheets are described in Table 2, and the
other metrics provided in the RANK_POINT files are described below.
The QoverD_NOX and QoverD_SO2 provide the simple emissions
over distance metric (Q/D) using the 2028OTBa2 facility-level NOx and SO2
emissions, respectively. While the Q/D metric can be used to screen the
potential contributions of sources to visibility impairment at a given Class I
area, it is simply based on the emission rate and distance from the IMPROVE
monitor and does not account for the air parcel trajectories on the MID. Note
that the RANK_POINT QoverD metric is different than the Regional Haze Planning
Workgroup (RHPWG) Control Measures Subcommittee (CMS) Q/D Analysis in that RANK_POINT is using 2028OTBa2 emissions,
whereas the RHPWG/CMS Q/D Analysis used 2014 emissions.
The EWRTxQ and WEP metrics for NOx and SO2 do account for
the air parcel trajectories on MID as they are calculated by multiplying the
EWRT of the grid cell of the facility with the facility’s emission rate (Q) and
Q/D, respectively.
Table 3 shows a subset of the results for NOx sources at MEVE
aggregated across all trajectory heights. The sources are ranked by [WEP_NO3]
(last column) for ammonium nitrate, and the top 30 facilities whose NOx
emissions potentially contribute to visibility impairment on the 2014-2018 IMPROVE
MID at MEVE are shown.
Table 2. Column listing and description for
the Rank_Point csv files.
Plant identification code
Plant name
State in which the plant is located. It is determined by FIPS code. If there is no value, plant is either on tribal land or in the ocean (e.g., offshore O&G platform)
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) - an industry classification system https://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/
Description of NAICS code
2028OTBa2 Facility-level NOx emission rate in tons per year (Q in NOx Q/D calculations)
2028OTBa2 Facility-level SO2 emission rate in tons per year
The grid cell of the facility in the 12WUS2 modeling domain (aggregated to 36 km resolution). Format is row (i) *1000 + column (j).
Distance in meters between the facility and the IMPROVE monitor that represents the Class I area (D in Q/D calculations). Distances are calculated using the Lambert Conformal Conic projection of the 12WUS2 modeling domain.
The Amm_NO3 extinction weighted residence time (EWRT) for the grid cell of the facility (ij)
The facility's NOx emissions (Q) in tons/year divided by the distance to the IMPROVE monitor (D) in kilometers.
The Amm_NO3 EWRT for the grid cell of the facility (ij) multiplied by the facility-level NOx emissions (Q)
The Amm_NO3 EWRT for the grid cell of the facility (ij) multiplied by the facility's Q/D for NOx (QoverD_NOX)
The Amm_SO4 extinction weighted residence time (EWRT) for the grid cell of the facility (ij)
The facility's SO2 emissions (Q) in tons/year divided by the distance to the IMPROVE monitor (D) in kilometers
The Amm_SO4 EWRT for the grid cell of the facility (ij) multiplied by the facility-level SO2 emissions (Q)
The Amm_SO4 EWRT for the grid cell of the facility (ij) multiplied by the facility's Q/D for SO2 (QoverD_SO2)
Table 3. Rank_Point results
showing top 30 facilities ranked by [WEP_NO3] whose NOx emissions have the
potential to contribute to visibility impairment due to Ammonium Nitrate at
MEVE on the Most Impaired Days for each year in 2014-2018.
FacilityID |
FacilityName |
State |
NOX_tpy |
distance |
QoverD |
1421 |
PNM - San Juan Generating Station |
NM |
221112 |
Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation |
7390.8 |
44047 |
167.8 |
31028105 |
704431 |
7197711 |
Four Corners Power Plant |
TR |
221112 |
Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation |
4060.4 |
56621 |
71.7 |
17046392 |
301062 |
1148 |
Chaco Gas Plant |
NM |
21112 |
None assigned |
2053.4 |
85699 |
24.0 |
6520003 |
76080 |
1158 |
Kutz Canyon Processing Plant |
NM |
21113 |
None assigned |
677.3 |
75422 |
9.0 |
4241210 |
56233 |
3552 |
Blanco Compressor C & D Station |
NM |
48621 |
Pipeline Transportation of Natural Gas |
504.0 |
69600 |
7.2 |
3156016 |
45345 |
1177 |
Harvest Pipeline - San Juan Gas Plant |
NM |
21113 |
None assigned |
468.1 |
69262 |
6.8 |
2931213 |
42320 |
1147 |
Blanco Compressor Station A |
NM |
48621 |
Pipeline Transportation of Natural Gas |
378.6 |
69618 |
5.4 |
2370957 |
34057 |
RMB8094 |
Culpepper Compressor Station NSR-2902 |
NM |
486210 |
Pipeline Transportation of Natural Gas |
69.8 |
42061 |
1.7 |
1103311 |
26231 |
1192 |
Bloomfield Compressor Station |
NM |
48621 |
Pipeline Transportation of Natural Gas |
216.6 |
70787 |
3.1 |
1356613 |
19165 |
RMB8088 |
Horton Straddle Compressor Station |
NM |
486210 |
Pipeline Transportation of Natural Gas |
42.2 |
44904 |
0.9 |
666004 |
14832 |
SUIT Point Sources RMB166 |
CO |
211111 |
Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction |
120.8 |
64241 |
1.9 |
877992 |
13667 |
1191 |
Harvest - Thompson Compressor Station |
NM |
213112 |
Support Activities for Oil and Gas Operations |
68.1 |
53141 |
1.3 |
641941 |
12080 |
8839911 |
El Paso Natural Gas, Window Rock Compressor Station |
TR |
221210 |
Natural Gas Distribution |
1354.1 |
184054 |
7.4 |
2042111 |
11095 |
1252 |
San Juan River Gas Plant |
NM |
21113 |
None assigned |
58.0 |
49851 |
1.2 |
546917 |
10971 |
SUIT Point Sources RMB165 |
CO |
211111 |
Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction |
78.9 |
53631 |
1.5 |
573295 |
10690 |
13646111 |
Bluffview Power Plant |
NM |
221112 |
Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation |
66.3 |
58864 |
1.1 |
625475 |
10626 |
RMB8105 |
Salty Dog No2 Compressor Station |
NM |
486210 |
Pipeline Transportation of Natural Gas |
50.6 |
47980 |
1.1 |
476719 |
9936 |
SUIT Point Sources RMB190 |
CO |
211111 |
Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction |
24.8 |
39875 |
0.6 |
392251 |
9837 |
1276 |
Harvest - Aztec Central Delivery Point |
NM |
213112 |
Support Activities for Oil and Gas Operations |
74.6 |
55839 |
1.3 |
542345 |
9713 |
SUIT Point Sources RMB258 |
CO |
211111 |
Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction |
83.1 |
62532 |
1.3 |
603808 |
9656 |
5050511 |
PacifiCorp- Hunter Power Plant |
UT |
221112 |
Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation |
10001.2 |
310435 |
32.2 |
2963149 |
9545 |
6281811 |
Bonanza |
TR |
221112 |
Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation |
5721.7 |
326655 |
17.5 |
3031499 |
9280 |
7230411 |
Animas Power Plant |
NM |
221112 |
Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation |
56.2 |
58327 |
1.0 |
529816 |
9084 |
7735111 |
AZ |
221112 |
Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation |
5857.5 |
325533 |
18.0 |
2899958 |
8908 |
1182 |
Val Verde Treatment Plant |
NM |
21113 |
None assigned |
97.3 |
70159 |
1.4 |
609152 |
8683 |
SUIT Point Sources RMB185 |
CO |
211111 |
Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction |
80.0 |
68653 |
1.2 |
581031 |
8463 |
SUIT Point Sources RMB88 |
CO |
211111 |
Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction |
75.1 |
64511 |
1.2 |
545819 |
8461 |
RMB8098 |
XTO Energy - Federal GC No1-3 Compressor Station (1) Package |
NM |
486210 |
Pipeline Transportation of Natural Gas |
21.9 |
41108 |
0.5 |
346034 |
8418 |
RMB8099 |
XTO Energy - Stanolind D3 Compressor Station (1) Package |
NM |
486210 |
Pipeline Transportation of Natural Gas |
21.9 |
41108 |
0.5 |
346034 |
8418 |
RMB8070 |
Rio Vista Compressor Station |
NM |
486210 |
Pipeline Transportation of Natural Gas |
94.3 |
71761 |
1.3 |
590343 |
8227 |
Initial Discussion of Results – Mesa Verde National Park
(MEVE) Class I area example
The RT, EWRT and WEP results are available for HYSPLIT back trajectories
arriving at the IMPROVE site on the MID at 5 different heights above ground:
100 m, 200 m, 500 m, 1,000 m and All (combination of all four heights).
However, the products of the analysis are not that different for the different
heights. For example, the RT plots at MEVE shown in Figure 1 for the 100m,
1000m and All heights are very similar. There are some differences in the
relative rankings using the trajectories at different heights. For example,
the relative rankings of power plants with tall stacks is higher using the
1,000 m height than 100 m height back trajectories. But examining all
trajectory heights increases the number of plots to analyze by a factor of 5,
so we just provided results for the 100 m, 1000 m and All highest and recommend
using just the All height trajectory as it will include the most data in the RT,
EWRT, WEP and RANK_POINT displays.