Terms of Use
September 1, 2017
Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed on this website are intended to be in keeping with, but do not necessarily accurately reflect, the views of the IWDW project sponsors and collaborators.
Data and information presented on this website (https://views.cira.colostate.edu/iwdw/) are generally considered to be in the public domain unless otherwise indicated. Some images, graphics, and datasets on this website have been created by other organizations and are used by the IWDW website with either permission or in turn under the general terms of public domain data.
Some pages and documents on this website may contain hyperlinked references to information created and maintained by other organizations. The IWDW team cannot guarantee the relevance, timeliness, or accuracy of these outside materials. Where appropriate, external links may be indicated by the following icon:
For detailed information on the use of IWDW data, please review our Data Use Agreement. Users of the IWDW are required to indicate their acceptance of both the Data Use Agreement and these Terms of Use when they first create an account (register), and are not allowed to modify their indication of acceptance afterwards.
We encourage the use and publication of IWDW data and materials in scientific, policy-related, or educational activities. Any published use of IWDW data or materials must acknowledge the IWDW as the source using the following general citation guidelines:
For modeling platform datasets, we suggest the following citation template:
The Intermountain West Data Warehouse - Western Air Quality Study (IWDW-WAQS). 2015. WAQS Modeling Platform <yyyy><version number>†. Downloaded from the IWDW website (http://views.cira.colostate.edu/iwdw/) on mm/dd/yyyy††.
† Please provide a modeling platform date identifier that includes the base year ("yyyy") and scenario or version number ("version number") - e.g. "2008c", "2011a", etc.
†† Please provide the approximate date ("mm/dd/yyyy") on which you obtained the data from the IWDW.
For observational (monitored) datasets, we suggest the following citation template:
The Intermountain West Data Warehouse - Western Air Quality Study (IWDW-WAQS). 2015. <Network Code>† data for <mm/dd/yyyy> - <mm/dd/yyyy>†† obtained from the IWDW website (http://views.cira.colostate.edu/iwdw/) on mm/dd/yyyy†††.
† Please provide the Monitoring Network (or Dataset) code ("
<Network Code>") for the data being cited. A full list of IWDW network and dataset codes can be found
†† Please provide the date range ("yyyy") spanned by the data being cited - e.g. "1/1/2012 - 12/31/2012".
††† Please provide the approximate date ("mm/dd/yyyy") on which you obtained the data from the IWDW.
We request one copy of any printed publication using IWDW data or materials be sent to the IWDW Project Coordinator at the address below. Citations or electronic copies are acceptable. For online uses, we request that the author notify the appropriate program office (of the URL where the materials are posted) of the online post/publication that includes IWDW data or materials, and to provide the program office a brief description of how they have used IWDW data in their online post/publication. Students who use IWDW data or materials to complete academic assignments are not required to seek permission from the IWDW team, but must appropriately acknowledge the IWDW in any publication (e.g., a thesis).
Tom Moore
IWDW Project Coordinator
CIRA, Colorado State University
CSU Foothills Campus, 1375 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO