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Marine, Aircraft, and Rail (MAR)

2022 Emissions Modeling Platform Wiki Main Page

Projections page

MAR Task Force/National Group

Co-leads: Mark Janssen and Janice Godfrey



Kickoff Meeting 11/29/2023

Agenda (meeting notes added)

  • Introductions
    • Janice, Debbie, Cody (TX), Dale (CO), Kira (?), Nikole (NC), Andrew (NC), Mark J (Ladco), Alison, Gil G (GA), Shantha (TX)
  • Request for new co-lead. Debbie is leaving MARAMA. – No volunteers ☹
  • Discussion of base year. Looking for consensus.
  • CMV
    • EPA creating 2022 specific inventory
    • Refined SCCs that capture ship type (from 12 to 80+) started in 2021, not 2020.
    • Taskforce members may be able to join MARAMA CMV to see results for 2021
      • Nikole asked to be invited to MARAMA CMV. Debbie sent invite.
  • Airports / Aviation
    • Adjusting 2020 to 2022
    • Analyzing by running AEDT the top 50 or so airports to get a feel for COVID effects – too expensive to run AEDT for all airports, but some airports may already run it, so need to check on who might be able to submit to EPA (ATL, Debbie to check with her contacts in FL).
    • TAF data will be analyzed as well
    • For smaller airports may not have TAF data
    • May be able to look at AEO for Jet Fuel usage
    • Hartsfield provided 2022 emissions
    • Texas will be developing a 2023 inventory for Texas, concentrating on larger commercial and receiver airports. Projections 2011-2050.
    • CO mentioned possibly getting impact of pandemic looking at 2017 to 2022? Skipping over 2020.
  • Rail
    • Adjusting 2020 to 2022
    • Analyzing fuel use for 2022 for projection factors
    • Looking at other readily available data to improve fleet mixes
      • What is the technology mix?
      • Fleet mix, sometimes only getting fleet mix at the national level
      • MOU with the rail operators?
    • Researching any new electrification – CT has submitted electric rail info to EPA
    • Mark mentioned that Larger Line Haul rail was not impacted as much during covid, while commuter rail still shows 40% lower ridership due to folks still working remote, especially on Mon & Fridays.
    • TX mentioned that their Rail Operators gave info to EPA but TX ran into road blocks while trying to get this data from EPA. Union Pacific and BFS gave TX data in the past.
    • Mark mentioned it can take up to 6 months to get data.
    • GA mentioned for switchers to take into account mother slugs vs. old switchers. Mark J mentioned slug = ½ as it still burns fuel.
  • V1 calendar year 2022 needs base data by December 2023/January 2024. Projection years by June 2024.
  • V2 one year later for base year, and projection years by June 2025.
  • Next meeting will discuss analytic years. Homework: Good idea to review TSDs for what has been done in the past (in 2019 we projected from 2017). Alison mentioned 2016v3 as another option to review
      • Next meeting January 25th at 3 EST and then perhaps early March (Wed 3 EST?), 4th Wed of the month?
  • Priority: All of the data for the base year needs to be complete by mid March

Meeting #2 1/25/2024

Agenda (meeting notes added)

Mark Janssen volunteered to co-lead.

  • CMV
    • EPA creating 2022 specific inventory
      • Not confident emissions data will be available by April
    • OTAQ may be possibly able to advise on analytic years. Other ideas?

  • Airports / Aviation
    • Adjusting 2020 to 2022
      • TAF datadata(projections as well)
      • AEO?AEO (possible comparison for analytic years. No AEO for 2024)
      • Look at SEDs data for comparison
    • ERG has started the runs
      • Analyzing by running AEDT the top 50 or so airports to get a feel for COVID effects.
    • Hartsfield provided 2022 emissions
    • TAF projections for analytic years? Other ideas?

  • Rail
    • Adjusting 2020 to 2022
      • Analyzing fuel use for 2022 for projection factors
      • Still waiting on fleet mix
    • Once we get fleet mix, this should be a quick turnaround
    • We will double check cleaner slugs are used in Georgia
    • Amtrack NC fuel/mile? EPA has for 2020 by county.
      • NC interested in counties Amtrack crosses
      • Getting local fuel information is a good use of resources
      • Yard improvement is important since changes are always occurring
    • Analytic years used to come from ERTAC projections. Projections may not be accurate for Tier3, not as many as projected. 2008 Guidance – have we realized the reductions we expected. Revisit at least for Class I. OTAQ may have additional insights.

V1 calendar year 2022 needs base data by December 2023/January 2024. Projection years by June 2024.

V2 one year later for base year, and projection years by June 2025.

2023 NEI Request: EPA seeking speciation factors for dioxins and furans for 2023 NEI for MAR sectors. Any suggestions send to Janice.

Review: Good idea to review TSDs for what has been done in the past (in 2019 we projected from 2017). Alison mentioned 2016v3 as another option to review.

Next meeting: February 28th,29th, 3 PM

Priority: All of the data for the base year needs to be complete by mid-March