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2022 EMP Modeling Workgroup

2022 Emissions Modeling Platform Wiki Main Page


Coordinators: Alison Eyth (US EPA), Mark Janssen (LADCO), and Byeong-Uk Kim (GA EPD)

The 2022 EMP modeling workgroup will review ancillary data (e.g., spatial surrogates, temporal profiles, and speciation profiles) and the information for "packaging" such as scripts for the 2022 Emissions Modeling Platform.

Kickoff Meeting - April 18, 2024



Mark Janssen went over the scope of tasks that the group volunteered for: speciation profiles, spatial surrogates, and temporal profiles.

Anyone have questions about review products should contact Byeong ( and Mark (

There were some questions about:

(1) NOx speciation for EGUs - Christine clarified that HONO is a constant 0.8% of NOx for sources where we generate it (mobile sources). NO/NO2 is generally a constant 90/10 split except for onroad, where it is calculated within MOVES and varies somewhat like 1.

(2) Time zone and day light saving time - Mark explained that temporal profile plots show data in local daylight saving times. Byeong asked where to find time zone and day light saving time information. Christine responded that time zones are set in the COSTCY file input to SMOKE, and a single county can only be a single time zone. Day light saving start/end date information may be embedded in SMOKE source codes. Byeong requested information about where to find it exactly. Christine will follow up.

(3) RWC spatial surrogates - Alison noted that population is not used for spatial surrogates for RWC while Mark's plots show that it is. Mark and Christine will follow up.

The next meeting is scheduled for 2-3 PM EDT on May 3 (Friday).

Update (4/18/2014)

Determination of daylight saving time in SMOKE:

Note that the daylight-saving ending date in SMOKE may not be accurate after 2007.

Update (4/29/2014)

2021 ancillary data posted:

Note that the daylight-saving ending date in SMOKE may not be accurate.

Things to follow up: A few xref updates will be made once the point file is finalized. Some profiles not included here that are in the 2020 platform. EPA will start working on the 2022 ancillary data soon – probably late May.

2nd Meeting - May 3, 2024

