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2015_0217 dw operations

Date: Feb. 17, 2015 2:00pm MST

Time: 1-866-398-2885 and access code 747721


1. Review action items from Feb. 3 call.

2. Status of data requests page

3. ARMS data

4. O&G workgroup page

5. Tool development & planning

  • near-term/long-term tool development goals
  • modeling platform deliverable targets
  • timelines

Wrap Up

Attendees: Tom, Zac, Ralph, Dustin, Shawn, Rodger

Call duration: 1hr 15min.

Follow up on action items from last meeting

  • Zac created wiki entry for 2008b errata.
  • Tom is editing Data Use Agreement
  • Dustin has updated Data Request form, and will deploy soon
  • Rodger drafted O&G repository web page
  • Shawn will follow up on migration of ENVIRON SA tool code base to DW

Status of DW Data Requests

A number of data requests currently on the DW are likely extraneous and should be deleted. Valid requests should be followed up with an email to the requestor and/or sponsor. Dustin will take a shot at creating a consolidated data request/project "report" page. Rodger will follow up with valid requests.
In the case of ARS's request for 2011 emissions in TSS format, Shawn will follow up with Cassie and Scott as to the format requirements. In general, the DW will not cater to special format requests.

Data request life cycle

The general policy is that the request or project sponsor, and Tom, will sign off on valid requests before they are approved. The project sponsor will agree to oversee the project. There was discussion about having direct data requests initiate a project, possibly at the point in the data request lifecycle where the request has been submitted by the data requestor and approved by the PM. Furthermore, there should be guidance on the DW website that informs users on the type of metadata we would like to see with each data request; expectations of PM associated with request, etc.

DW SOW and timelines

The DW development team will have a better handle on development timelines following the Feb 20 meeting with Mike George one next CIRA SOW. MOdeling contract may be extended through Oct., and WESTAR will have next contract go out for competitive bid.

2011a eratta

2011a PM BCs will be replaced with GEOS-Chem fields. BCs and CAMx output will be replaced for 2011a2 platform. Note in errata wiki.

Action Items

  1. Dustin - create data request "report" page
  2. Dustin - publish to production server updated data request interface with revised metadata input fields and file attachment capabilities
  3. Rodger - follow up on valid data requests
  4. Rodger - draft email templates for various stages of data request life cycle
  5. Rodger - draft data request policy; provide example using Shannon Caps request (101)
  6. Shawn - follow up with ARS regarding TSS formatted emissions
  7. Rodger - draft bullets for DW development team presentations for Feb. 25 call - DONE
  8. Rodger - follow up with AECOM on ARMS project - DONE
  9. Zac - wiki entry text for 2011a errata