2016-10-27 WAQS Monitoring Network Assessment Working Group
Date: October 27, 2016
Time: 10-11:30AM MDT
Call in: 1-800-768-2983 and access code 4918837
Contents [hide]
- Webinar: https://join.me/IWDW-Online
- Working Group Wiki WAQS Monitoring Network Assessment
- Monitoring Network Assessment Overview (PDF)
- PowerPoint for the Call (pptx)
- NEW - Monitoring site spreadsheet WAQS AQS monitors (xlsx)
Monitoring Sites
- Status of current network
- Possible WAQS expansion
Data Analysis
- Spatial analysis
- NAAQS Design Values
- Emissions & AQ modeling
Cost Analysis
Background Info
Greg Harshfield (CO CDPHE), Cara Kesler (WY DEQ), RebeccaRodger Ames initiated the call with a roll call and overview of the IWDW-WAQS Monitoring Network Assessment (see PDF above). He then lead the group through a presentation (see PPT above) that outlined objectives for this round of the network assessment, and presented a strawman for IWDW-WAQS working group tasks. Feedback from participants in the call included:
- WAQS expansion to include Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota: no objections were raised.
- Cost Analysis: Tom Moore commented that the objective of this part of the assessment is to inventory funding sources and document how funding is leveraged among cooperating agencies.
- Considerations for potential site shut-down: Rita Bates commented that the current climate from EPA is to shut down monitors; this could make it difficult to find funding for additional sites. Mike Barna commented that the group should consider options for relocating monitoring sites as an alternative to shutting down.
- A focus of the IWDW-WAQS assessment will be on rural AQ; efforts will be made to review states' 5-year monitoring network assessments and summarize their recommendations, particularly WRT monitoring site removal and potential site additions. Assessments from standard networks (e.g. CASTNet) will also be reviewed.
- Analysis incorporating AQ modeling: Tom Moore suggested looking at SNMOS modeling to evaluate impacts of fires and other exceptional events
- State O3 designations: Tom also suggested the group review states' recent submissions to EPA on ozone designation recommendations for 2015 NAAQS.
Action Items
- Monitoring Site Status
- AQS data pull (see Monitoring Site spreadsheet, above)
- Cross reference with states, current monitoring network status (e.g. 5-year assessments)
- Compile monitoring site status and send to work group for review (Rodger Ames)
- Solicit feedback on monitoring sites with funding issues; potential for shut down or relocation
- Data Analysis
- Repeat analyses from previous 3SAQS assessment
- Compare current monitoring network spatial coverage to recent WAQS AQ modeling results
- Convene sub group to consider analyses for current IWDW-WAQS monitoring network assessment.
- Cost analysis
- Scheduled for December, depends on outcomes of items 1 & 2, above.