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2016-11-30 WAQS Monitoring Network Assessment Working Group

Date: November 30, 2016
Time: 1-2PM MST
Call in: 1-800-768-2983 and access code 4918837


  1. Webinar:
  2. Working Group Wiki
    WAQS Monitoring Network Assessment
  3. Summary of states' 5-year monitoring network assessments and monitoring sites in AQS
    WAQS Network Assessment - State monitoring site summaries.docx
  4. An excel version of ASQAQS monitors with individual tabs for each of the seven states (monitors with last_sample_date >=2015)
    AQS monitors by state.xlsx
  5. A version of AQS monitors that includes initial and last reported sample dates (monitors with last_sample_date >=2010)
    AQS monitors by state and date.xlsx
  6. Powerpoint for the call (pending)


  1. Review monitoring sites and feedback from states on current monitoring network configuration and planned changes
  2. Outline WAQS analysis


Action Items