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Projections workgroup for the 2022 Platform

2022 Emissions Modeling Platform Wiki Main Page

Projections Workgroup Charter

Workgroup Roster

Task Force Wikis

The projections workgroup organized into task forces to review the projection methods and data for different inventory sectors. Notes and work products for the task forces are available in the following wikis.

Projections Workgroup Meetings

Workgroup coordinators: Zac Adelman and Alison Eyth

January 3, 2024

Round robin of updates from the various task forces.


- Susan summarized our December meetings – a number of topics were discussed - see notes on the Wiki - The EGU task force is merged with the national EGU workgroup - EPA will add an output to CEMConvert to assist ERTAC modelers

Non-EGU point - Judy Rand provided a write up that EPA is reviewing and will be distributed to Collaborative and MJO directors - Still working to finalize approach of projecting 2020->2022 - For states that submit a ‘full inventory’ for 2022 and do not want emissions carried forward, they need to interface with EPA on this - Need to have a section in the NEI newsletter to let people know how the 2022 point source data are compiled (esp those that submit a full inventory) – remember rail yards and airports also live in the point inventory - Alison sent list of permanent and temporary shutdowns 2020-2022 - Wiki is up to date with notes - Draft 2022 point inventory will be generated by Feb 1

Nonpoint - There was a second meeting in December to continue thinking about how to create 2022 nonpoint emissions for each sector - Will set up another call to try to come to consensus on how to do each sector - Wiki is up to date - Not trying to look at summaries of emissions that would be most impacted by COVID

Mobile (onroad/nonroad) - Next meeting is Thursday 1/11 at 3:30 - Gave update on 2021 at MOVES MJO mid-month - 2022 VMT will hopefully be available from FHWA sometime in February - Note that GA starts are only for Atlanta area + some VPOP data for 2022 - Contractor will start pulling data into an integrated dataset soon

Marine/air/rail - Last met Nov 29 - Mark Janssen is now a co-chair - Alexandria (NY DEC) – 2026 projections for air rail and CMV – needs information on spreadsheets – working on this for NY SIP - Shantha (TCEQ): can they provide a full 2022 air inventory? They have all the airports they need for SIP work. Probably yes but will discuss offline (Modeling group worked on this inventory) - 2022 AIS data for CMV should be coming to EPA soon - EPA will share 2021 CMV summaries / data around mid-January once QA issues are cleaned up - Inventory will have 80 SCCs (more than 2020) - Rail: working on getting new info on fleet mixes so we can compute the new rail for 2022\ - Otherwise, reviewing TSDs to see what has been in recent platforms - Next MAR task force meeting is 1/25

Oil and gas - Trying to finish collecting activity data in January then run EPA tool in February - It’s going to be tight to have the emissions by April 1 - For projections, there was a discussion with the national O&G workgroup. Recording is here: - One state wants to provide county growth factors for production - The extraction part plan needs to be decided - Some states are doing some different things (hoping for EPA assistance) - Some states are submitting point data for 2022, so need to determine how to deal with the point / nonpoint reconciliation – want to be complete without double counting - Plan to update the Wiki soon

Woodheating task force - Is this adequately covered under nonpoint? - Judy was on the RWH task force (has staff on it) – rwc seems adequately covered - Alison gave a presentation on the platform to the group today - Task force might be providing some data that could be used for v2 platform, but not for v1 - There was a big change from 2017->2020 – grew 80% in WA in 2020 - what is 2020 performance in WA in wintertime PM? Were there any areas where it seemed the performance was poor / degraded from previous runs? Alison to check with modelers

December 6, 2023


  • Will meet with national EGU WG 12/14 @ 11 Eastern: We can discuss Part 75 sources – non-traditional discussion at this call “industrial units”
  • Next call Jan 25th at 2 Eastern (4th Thursday at 2 Eastern)

Industrial point

  • next call 12/18 at 1PM eastern
  • Sent recent base year state+SCC level report emissions for 2016-2021
  • Alison sent closure list
  • Point source subtraction is a potential issue (esp oil and gas, we address for solvents, there may be other key sectors)


  • ICI fuel combustion is key subsector for point source subtraction
  • Next meeting is 12/7 at 10AM – will review comments
  • Considering 2020-2022 first
  • Qualitatively, sub-sectors impacted by COVID: cremation, sectors that are VMT-related
  • a summary may be needed to facilitate discussion
  • See the summary of proposed emissions methods on TF Wiki page

Mobile (onroad/nonroad)

  • Next meeting Jan 11 at 3:30

Oil and gas

  • They are going to use national O&G WG call to bring updates to community
  • will have a projections panel discussion on December 19.
  • 2022 oil and gas emissions work just started – hope to have activity by end of Jan and compute emissions in February; WY is submitting own emissions
  • Next meeting: December 19 at 2 Eastern, January 11 at 2 Eastern


  • Met Nov 29.
  • MARAMA CMV 12/13 at 11 to show data for 2021 – there is a standing meeting time 3rd
  • Next meeting 1/25 at 3PM
  • No volunteers for co-lead yet
  • Next WG meeting 1/3 at 4PM eastern

Tom Moore thinks that it would be helpful to prepare summaries over the summer as we get the results including some information on how the projections were done. Some documentation on how 2022 was developed as well.

A spreadsheet could be helpful for certain categories (e.g., nonpoint)

  • Zac: We may need a ‘todo list’ on Wiki page
  • Mark J has some graphics he will share on MOVES MJO

November 1, 2023


  •        Introduce the co-leads and review the sector review task force assignments (see below)

  •        Discuss approaches for gathering projection methods for review

  •        Discuss approaches for organizing the task force meetings

  •        Join (or select) a task force if you haven't signed up, or if you signed up for too many

Task Force To Do

  •        Gather the projection methods (TSDs or other EPA docs) for the sources in teach task force

  •        Organize the group and data sources for review

  •        Work with the group to identify the review approach, e.g., how will you prioritize the review and what methods will be used to look through the information

  •        Conduct the review and confirm the projection approach for the sources covered by the task force; identify alternative sources/methods for projection information

  •        Flag new or alternative methods that deviate from the conventional EPA approaches

  •        Document the review process and highlight any significant changes/recommendations

At this meeting, we discussed how the workgroup members could be divided into task forces that could discuss details about projections for the sectors to be covered by each task force.


October 4, 2023

A this call, the projection methods by sector summary was reviewed and edited. Workgroup members started to indicate the sectors for which they are interested in participating in discussions.

September 6, 2023

At this call, we discussed the proposed charter for the workgroup and priorities for the coming months.

Task Force Action Items

  • Identify the projection review approach, e.g., how will you prioritize the review and what methods will be used to look through the information

  • Gather the projection methods (TSDs or other EPA docs) for the sources in teach task force
    • Review national projections vs regional/state level projection approaches; are there national backstops; when will states need to provide state-specific data to replace the national backstop
    • Are there regional/state specific control information/rules that can brought into the platform
  • Conduct the review and confirm the projection approach for the sources covered by the task force; identify alternative sources/methods for projection information
  • Flag new or alternative methods that deviate from the conventional EPA approaches
  • Document the review process and highlight any significant changes/recommendations
  • Where to start: 2020 projections to 2022
    • Will not have sector specific data for nonpoint data and industrial point (sources that will not have actual 2022 data)
    • Look at 2021 point data as a surrogate for which sources will not submit 2022 data
    • Need to identify methods to go from 2020 to 2022
    • This needs to be done by January
  • After the 2020 to 2022 approach, work on the 2022 to the analytic years projections


Project Methods by Sector Document

2016v3 TSD (analytic years); includes SMOKE projection packets by sector/SCC

2016v1 specification sheets

2019 TSD (most recent interim year)

US EPA Emissions Trends

Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS) data

MARAMA Projection tool