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Emissions Modeling Platform Collaborative Efforts


This Wiki organizes the work and subsequent results of the emissions modeling platform collaborative efforts to develop comprehensive sets of emissions data for use in air quality planning.

What is an Emissions Modeling Platform?

An Emissions Modeling Platform (EMP) is the full set of emissions inventories, other data files, software tools, and scrips that process emissions into the form needed for air quality modeling. EMPs are developed periodically to serve as a basis for national, regional, and local modeling for regulatory analyses and State Implementation Plan (SIP) development.

What is a National Emissions Collaborative?

EPA develops EMPs for a variety of uses. However, large, nationally-consistent EMPs are developed less frequently ,,,, The NECNational isEmissions Collaborative (NEC) formed as a partnership between state emissions inventory staff, multi-jurisdictional organizations (MJOs), federal land managers (FLMs), EPA, and others to develop ancomprehensive emissions modeling platform (EMP)EMPs for use in air quality planning. A coordination workgroup provides logistical support and facilitation to the sector workgroups as they move toward the goal of well-documented model-ready emissions. Data files and supporting documentation that will serve as SIP-ready regulatory inputs

Timeline of Activities

The first truly collaborative development process began with the 2016 EMP.