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2015-12-02 Tools Workgroup

Date: December 2, 2015
Time: 1-2:30pm MST
Call in: 1-800-768-2983 and access code 4918837

IWDW Visualization Tools Workgroup


Tools wiki Meeting minutes and agendas
Tools workgroup forum IWDW Forum topic on tool development

Current tools

IWDW Data Includes the tools:
  • Emissions Review
  • Source Apportionment
  • Model-to-Observation Comparison
  • Model Performance Evaluation Plots
  • Summary Reports
  • IWDW GIS Server demo


  1. Review minutes from October Tools workgroup call
    1. 2015-10-20 Tools Workgroup
  2. Status of current tools
    1. IWDW Tools 2015-12-02.docx
  3. Alignment of IWDW tools with MPE recommendations doc.
    1. MPE x IWDW matrix.docx
    2. examples
  4. Development priorities
    1. Relevant GIS layers for geospatial tools
    2. prioritization of MPE products
  5. Other items
  6. Next call



Ken Rairigh, Chris Pennell, Rebecca Matichuck, Gail Tonnesen, Kevin Briggs, Zac Adelman, Shawn McClure, Dustin Schmidt, Rodger Ames, Tom Moore


The group reviewed minutes from the Oct. 20 Tools workgroup call. Most of the action items had been completed, however the model-to-obs data were still being processed for the 2011a/b platforms.

Rodger presented two documents to the group, one was a summary of the current IWDW tools, which documents their current status, including functionality, data sets or modeling platforms included, and plans for future development. The later document, referred to as 'MPE x IWDW', lists key MPE products identified in the EPA MPE recommendations document and aligns these with either current or prospective IWDW tools. The MPE IWDW document is essentially a large table that lists MPE products by modeling activity (such as emissions and PGM) and maps these to IWDW tools. Rodger led the group through the emissions section of the document. The Workgroup identified a need to develop an emissions GIS that will provide a number of MPE products not currently available on current IWDW Tools. A county level emissions GIS would leverage the IWDW database that drives the Emissions Review Tool, thereby enabling rapid development. The group decided that BC and Met. MPE was better suited to the WAQS modeling group. Due to time limitations, the workgroup did not review the PGM section of the MPE x IWDW document. This discussion was tabled for future discussion. However, it was noted that the majority of the PGM MPE products identified in the MPE recommendations document are available in the IWDW MPE plot tool, with the exception of some plots like hourly O3 plots, and speciated VOCs. Further development of new PGM MPE tools on the IWDW, such as a GIS to mine PGM model output, will likely not be implemented before the next project phase.

There was a more general discussion regarding identifying MPE products that could be made available 'right away', that is before modeling is complete, allowing analysis of these products to feedback into the modeling effort. Identifying such an MPE feedback process will be considered by the group, however will likely not be implemented in IWDW tools before the next project phase.

Rebecca updated the group on her efforts to obtain NEPA project boundaries for Region 8. Shawn informed the group that he was working on providing plots in the 'Reports' section of the IWDW that showed site specific O3 observations superimposed with the new 70ppb NAAQS. (need to check if obs. aggregations are both hourly and MDA8)

Discussion turned to potential enhancements to the IWDW model-to-obs tool, and the possibility of allowing model-to-model comparisons as well. Such functionality would allow model intercomparisons of anticipated modeling studies, for example OAQPS 2011 modeling for rule making, and 2014 Discover AQ modeling, to WAQS paltforms.

Action Items

  • Dustin will create a emissions GIS prototype to demo during the next workgroup call
  • Rebecca will follow up with GIS layers
  • Rodger will follow up with interested individuals to identify PGM MPE development priorities on the IWDW