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Coordination Committee for 2022 Platform

2022 Emissions Modeling Platform Wiki Main Page

Coordination Committee Meetings

Held the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 2:00 p.m. Eastern.

Next meeting: January 8, 2025


  1. EPA updates on the 2022v1 platform
  2. 2025 timeline for the collaborative
  3. Identify needs for 2022v2
  4. EPA todo list for 2022v2
  5. Finalize agenda for February call


February Report Out Agenda

  • Timeline review
  • Summary of 2022v1 analytic year comments (EPA)
  • Summary of the sector updates made based on the comments received, including emissions totals before and after comment integration
  • Summarize the UX for the 2022v1 platform: how to download the files, what scripts and data are available, how to use the data
  • 2022v1 data release and schedule
  • Contrast the IPM and ERTAC projections with quantitative comparisons
  • Plans for 2025: Timing and targeted areas/priorities for v2

December 11, 2024


  1. EPA updates (2022v1 analytic inventories, schedule and TSD)
  2. February 5 quarterly outreach call topics
  3. V2 platform priorities


EPA updates (2022v1 analytic inventories, schedule and TSD)

  • Working on getting the final 2022v1 distribution platform assembled by the end of the year
  • 2026 inventory by early January 2025; 2032 late January 2025; 2028 early February 2025
  • Scripts/ancillary data for SMOKE in February
  • Summary plots and reports in January
  • Response to analytic year comments in January
  • Data retrieval tool with updated data in January
  • Final TSD in January (base year almost done), analytic year soon after

What are the priorities from the Committee

  • 2026 and then 2032 modeling platform complete packages
  • Serpil asked about the need for 2032 data
    • Zac and Judy explained O3 SIP needs for 2026 and planning needs for 2032

February 5 quarterly outreach call topics

  • Analytic comment summary
  • What sectors were emissions impacted, before and after comment integration
  • Understanding the process for users of the files
  • Data release and schedule
  • Describe IPM and ERTAC projections
  • Forward looking for v2, what do we plan to accomplish in 2025; what are the targeted areas/priorities for v2 at this point

Todo list for 2022v2

  • Describe how we're deciding what updates will be made to v2; and describe what people need to do next if they want data in v2
  • EPA todo list for the 2022v2 platform: will discuss in January

2023 NEI vs 2022v2

  • Do we need a 2022v2 platform, or do we go directly to the 2023 NEI platform?
  • EPA needs to think about the differences between these platforms internally
  • Wagon wheel could be run using recent data for v2 platform
  • Fires will be for 2023
  • MOVES 5 with 2023, age distributions and speeds; can't integrate 2023 submissions by states, but will use 2022 data purchases; won't be able to use state-submitted data for 2023 due to timing
  • Discussions last week on 2023 data; don't want to overwrite state data that are submitted; may be too early to use the 2023 wagon wheel, if it is used don't overwrite state submitted data
  • Would states be interested in delayed v2 to incorporate MOVES5 updates; won't be able to wait for 2023 CDBs because they're not due until Jan 15, don't actually expect state data to come in until March

Next call agenda items

  • 2025 timeline for the collaborative
  • Identify needs for 2022v2
  • EPA todo list for 2022v2
  • Finalize agenda for February call

November 13, 2024

Call Notes

October 16 , 2024

September 11, 2024

Call Notes

August 14, 2024


  1. Announcement regarding change in Alison and Jeff’s roles September-January
  2. Current plans, locations, and timing for data that are being provided by EPA (e.g., FTP site, AWS)
  3. What data were provided from the control data request? [see attached summary document and spreadsheet, plus closures from EIS]
  4. Status of projection WG task force recommendations
  5. Update on analytic year inventory development including next steps, remaining data needs, and expected timeline
  6. What information besides providing data in the tool and related summaries would be helpful to provide in support of analytic year data review?
  7. Next steps for projections process regarding documentation or summaries other than individual task force reports
  8. High-level modeling plans for organizations on this call (e.g., do you need 36US3? Are you modeling 12US1 or 12US2? Are you planning any 4km modeling?)


Current plans, locations, and timing for data that are being provided by EPA

  • Alison walks the group through the EPA FTP site for 2022v1; analytic years only have MOVES CDBs ; full scripts for 2022v1 in draft form; ancillary data and all inventories are on the site; some surrogates missing for 4km domain (e..g, Canada and oil and gas); netCDF files for 12km grid summaries; 12US1 plots of all sectors for key pollutants; updated reports for mobile source sectors; projection packets for 2020 to 2022; responses to comments on ancillary data and inventory are also posted
  • OpenData Platform @ EPA hosting the data for 2022, including air quality model (CMAQ) ready emissions; CAMx will come next - planned for October
  • Brief document available describing how emissions were prepared for the 2022v1 platform, will be built out further by EPA; includes descriptions of how the data for each sector were developed; document will be in the reports folder and referenced from the EPA website
  • Zac suggests using the watercooler workgroup to map the key locations on the FTP site to the wiki, and to envision the role of this group beyond the ancillary data review
  • Mary suggests there could be some options to explore for using the IWDW for distributing the data/information; there may not be a modeling workgroup for the 2022 collaborative

Announcement regarding change in Alison and Jeff’s roles September-January

  • Alison is going on a 4 month detail from Oct - Jan, leading the AirNow and AQS group
  • Jeff will take on the role to co-lead the collaborative in Alison's stead starting at the September coordination call

Status of Emissions and Air Quality Modeling for v1

  • All sectors except fertilizer are processed
  • CMAQ modeling is underway
  • Won't have 12km BCs until those runs are completed and reviewed; estimated sometime in September for the BCs
  • Which 12km domain will be used for fertilizer and biogenics: 12US1 processed, but will run 12US2 for modeling

Control data request

  • Reviewed document created by EPA summarizing the data
  • A lot of closure announcements, and some controls
  • Data are collated into spreadsheets, EPA is working on getting them in a control packet format
  • Put the data on the FTP site under projections
  • EPA has also pulled in closures reported to EIS

Projection WG recommendations status

  • EPA has received task for recommendations from nonpoint and a document from non EGU point; missing cross reference from nonEGU point to apply the approaches to different SCCs; onroad, and nonroad are already processed for the analytic years; Marine Air Rail to be processed soon; oil and gas task force planning is in progress, working through projections now, controls will come later; nonEGU will include controls that are from recent EPA rules
  • Need cross reference data for nonEGU projections; Susan from MARAMA is working to finish up the cross reference for EPA
  • Oil and gas projections rely on the AEO outlook, which is known to be unreliable; Tom M expresses concern that national datasets from AEO are going to be used for anything beyond 2026, it's not a reliable predictor; Tom suggests only project to 2026 and then hold constant to 2032 and 2038
  • Zac suggests that separate modeling groups can choose whether to hold certain sectors constant when they configure their analytic year modeling platforms

Analytic Year Review

  • Will EPA make the mid-September deadline?; they will get as many sectors out as soon as they can and initial batch of data should go out in mid-September (which sectors, TBD)
  • EPA (Jeff) will keep the group updated with what comes out in the first distribution vs a later data dump

What Information Besides the Summaries are Needed for the Analytic Years?

  • Standard documentation (TSD) will be provided
  • Tom R. : people would benefit from a summary document to review the approaches used for each sector; could there be links to point people to the locations of the information
  • Create a list of controls, projection methods, shutdowns, comments associated with the analytic years
  • Graphical summaries: gridded plots for analytic years, difference plots, stacked bar plots; data in the EPA emissions review tool by state, county, and sector
  • If we want to provide summaries of state rules, EPA will need help incorporating the documentation into the platform; EPA won't have time to do any additional research on control programs
  • Serpil has documentation of state and EPA rules for EGUs that they use in IPM modeling; current review is from summer 2023; states can review this document

Modeling Plans

  • LADCO plans to run 12US2 and LADCO 4km CAMx simulations
  • More discussion on this next time

July 10, 2024

June 12 2024

May 8, 2024

April 10, 2024


  1. 2022v1 platform update: data review status, summaries, outstanding issues
  2. Communication team report out: plans and status of outreach
  3. Planning for the May 1 quarterly report out call: draft agenda, slide development, presenters, other items


The group discussed the status of the data review. Data for most sectors are posted. Some comments were successfully submitted. Some bugs were found in the tool and will be addressed. Data for the remaining sectors should be available the week of April 15.

Planning for the May 1 report out was discussed. LADCO will create a shared presentation for the group to edit. Note that the EPA modelers will provide updates on meteorological data, boundary conditions, and air quality modeling plans.

March 13, 2024


  1. Preparation for the 3/27 data sharing webinar

Preparation for the 3/27 webinar

Presentation outline and notes

1.       Background: Why are we doing this? [It was asked for by states/MJOS for multiple years] – completed a year early; mention the key years for SIP modeling (2022 base + 2026, 2032, 2038) [Note someone may ask about use of 2020 for PM modeling]

2.       How to use the tool to examine data and submit a comment?

3.       What other summaries and maps are available to assist with examining the data and comparing to recent inventories?

4.       How to focus your review?

  • Consider discussing priority sectors for review with your MJO
  • Focus on your areas of expertise
  • If you submitted data, try to verify they are reflected
  • Confirm the emissions are reasonable for your region

5.       Give some examples of helpful information from past reviews

6.       Give an overview of key sectors by pollutant nationally – esp for NOx, SO2, NH3, VOC, PM – consider comparison to recent platforms

7.       Manage expectations: we’ll have 4-6 weeks to incorporate comments; larger issues / wholesale changes will need to wait for v2 or later

8.       Provide a pointer to some summary documentation on how the emissions were developed

9.       Communicate about sectors that may not be complete by April 1 (e.g., fertilizer, other)

10.       Give date/time/link to May 1 quarterly update

11.       Review of spatial/temporal/speciation – other interested folks can be invited to the watercooler meetings (contact Byeong if interested). There is a wiki page on the 2022 platform site for this group / the review. EPA is preparing gridded emission by approx. mid-April and can provide maps and netCDF files for those.

Karl gave a demo of the 2022 data retrieval tool and the Sharepoint site including how to submit a comment.

  • It would be helpful to see date/time the comment was submitted, but we think this is stored as a hidden field
  • Users need to have permission to access the table to see submitted comments.
  • Brief description for a comment – how long is it? Could include an attachment to provide additional details if needed, but we want each comments to be specific about a sector
  • What about county level maps or a way to filter comments by geography / show comments on a map for specific regions? A: this is not going to be possible, but eventually we hope to have a tool that could also show modeling platform information
  • Later, we could add a response to the comment in the same interface
  • EGU comments have been accepted for many years and those comments can be unit-specific. Sometimes there can be conflicting comments for the same unit, so CAMD uses a change log between versions that include the responses.
  • EPA is finalizing a number of rules. In a few months, the agency will have an EGU case to reflect all of the on the books rules. Mobile and other stationary source rules are also being finalize.

February 14, 2024


  1. Debrief on quarterly report out call (All)
  2. Data review tool update (Karl)
  3. Planning for the data review kickoff (All)
  4. 2022 data status by sector (Alison)
  5. Projection data review process and how to communicate with EPA from the workgroups (All)
  6. Reports/questions from the workgroups (All)

1. Debrief on quarterly report out

  • A couple of people didn’t know how they got on the list a couple wanted to be removed; 10-15 asked to be added

  • What about asking for additional information about controls?

  • There will be upcoming outreach to air agencies on control and shutdown information. MJOs and states will need to review their OTB rules. EPA considers the national rules. Communicating about the best form for the data would be helpful. Examples, Templates, and language would be helpful. Structure for the outreach on this point would make it more effective. OTB controls may be available for more than stationary sources. E.g. California standards

2. Data review tool Update and 3. planning for data review

  • EPA has been working on plans – it should nearly mirror the tool for 2020 NEI. Can filter, see facility-level for point and county level for nonpoint
  • If you have a comment, there will be a form in Sharepoint that people can be granted access to; there will be a form that you can fill out
  • Will have a webinar on March 27 for the kickoff
  • What are the expectations for comments regarding whether they can be accepted – are the comments relevant, addressable at this time, referenceable? What if an uploaded file is too big? We want to be able to look at the data for which the comment is being made? Maybe there is another way to do this? We can reach out to the commenter as follow up.
  • How could we provide information on what types of comments are helpful? E.g., Is this representative of something that happened in [your jurisdiction] in 2022?

4. Summary of status by sector

Alison reviewed the status of each sector. See the table here.

5. Projection data review process and how to communication with EPA from the workgroups

  • It would be good to get as much as possible into v1 because some applications (e.g., ozone SIPs) cannot wait for v2.

January 10, 2024


  • Planning for the data review: we probably need a special call sometime in the last few days of March. A suggestion was made to also retain the May call.
  • Should comments on temporal/speciation/spatial allocation factors be submitted in a similar way to inventory comments? [note that the Emissions Watercooler group agreed to help review data, but others may also have comments]
  • What summaries should we plan to develop prior to the data review? (e.g., profile reports, emissions summaries)
  • A presentation was given at the 2022 Residential Woodheating Task Force meeting
  • Potential agenda items for the February 7 large group call
  • Upcoming plans for outreach


Planning for data review

  • Data review starts in March but next quarterly outreach call is in May; will need a kickoff call for the review period
  • Need for targeted outreach for the review process; coms group (Tom, Rhonda, Tom) wants to know what they should be communicating in their outreach, set expectations, is there advance information to look at, what do they need to report
  • What can states expect through the comment process, what information is needed to substantiate the change?
  • Timing of the review/full process
  • How will comments come in? Review tool will include an interface to receive and log comments
  • What will be the process after EPA receives comments? Will there be additional discussions with EPA
  • Past comments, EPA asked for documentation to provide evidence for the change; for this data review provide description of why data may be different, e.g,. changes in activity, emissions factors, control devices, new sources that aren't included in the inventory, provide supporting documentation;
  • Outlier report for non-EGU point sources, focus on the top (>100 TPY) sources
  • Month of April will be the review period for the 2022v1 platform
    • Other sources, such as point will be available sooner (late March) and reviews can proceed along with comments to EPA when those data are available
  • Ancillary data review
    • Will ancillary data be included in the review
    • What is the emissions water cooler group doing
    • Will there be summaries of the factors
  • Comments on representative counties for MOVES?
    • EPA is close to starting the MOVES runs, if there are comments the need to get in very soon (within the next 2 weeks)
  • Review Process
    • Goal: build capacity to understand and review the emissions platform development process
    • Tools: provide summaries of the emissions by sector-county-SCC; including a comment box for providing feedback to EPA
    • Documentation: summarize the feedback/input that went into the sector; who's been doing reviews before then
  • Communications group request
    • Looking for sector leads feedback on who/states/regions have submitted documentation, data, or comments for the platform
    • EPA can provide info for onroad, fires, oil and gas
    • Once the point inventory is developed in Feb, EPA can provide that info as well

  • 2022 Boundary Conditions
    • What will they be using? Hemispheric CMAQ, GEOS-Chem, or both. Need to hear from Barron H.

February 7 Call Planning

  • Set up call for kick off review: when and what
  • Set goal of what we hope to accomplish on the kickoff call
  • Review schedule
  • Updates on the 2022 inventory approaches, workgroup/task force report outs
  • When future year platforms will come out
  • 2022 emissions available in June
  • What we'll talk about on the May call
  • Review informational data
    • Wiki/documentation
    • Score card: what agencies have submitted data or documentation
    • Where to find data/information; will there be an EPA webpage? or on the wiki?

December 13, 2023


1. Updates from workgroups & task forces on recent events and next steps: CMV, onroad, EGU, fires, oil & gas, biogenic, projections summary, communication


Alison presented on CMV WG about 2021 emissions

  • Should have 2021 emissions available in January
  • Working on getting 2022 activity

Jeff led a fire WG meeting – over 70 people attended


  • EPA hasn't run BEIS4 and does not have a plan to run MEGAN v3 right now
  • TCEQ is running MEGAN but WRF runs may be different – contracting out
  • Shantha and Jeff to chat about this (especially met data)

Met data:

  • Namelist file is needed from Chris [land use, version, ICBC, etc] - perhaps some slides on the forcing data

Oil and gas:

  • Started pulling activity data for 2022
  • Hope to finalize by end of Jan – could share this once available
  • Will put into tool once ready – states not using tool need to reach out to Jeff
  • On Tuesday, at NOGEC, there will be a panel discussion on projections
  • Plan to pull rest together by March


  • EPA will have a draft point inventory around Feb 1

Projections: There are a series of task forces by sector. All are currently working towards 2022 and then will consider approaches for analytic years past 2022.


  • Will share 2021 vs 2020 onroad [and nonroad] results at MOVES MJO
  • Janice made Wiki page for onroad/nonroad task force – meeting 2nd Thursday at 3:30
  • Collecting 2022 VMT data through end of this month – expecting a few more to come in
  • MJO MOVES is on Goto webinar – switching to Teams in 2024 – see link


  • Had kickoff call on EGU task force - decided to merge with ongoing national EGU WG
  • There is a list of topics on national EGU WG call tomorrow at 11AM (normally 4th Thursday)
  • List of topics included:
    • file structure for point sources – to facilitate easy swap for projections,
    • CEMConvert tool,
    • lat-lon reconciliation (differences exist between EPA & ERTAC data),
    • partial year reporters,
    • nonEGUs with CEMS data,
    • crosswalk between EIS, CAMD, and NEEDS IDs,
    • hourly data update tracking,
    • EGU non-CEMS inventory – how to make this for units w/o hourly data + projecting and temporally allocating
  • Additional ERTAC EGU meeting at 11 Eastern Friday that EPA will attend

Mairine/air/rail task force for projections

  • Mark J will be new co-lead
  • Will adjust 2020-2022 + analyze 50 largest airports
  • Rail will adjust 2020 to 2022 – contractor working on this

Nonpoint projections task force

  • There is a nice spreadsheet comparing data used for 2019 and 2020 – trying to determine which subsectors of nonpoint that were pandemic-impacted
  • Trying to figure out best approaches for 2022
  • NOMAD – can report out there
  • There were many changes in 2020 NEI methods compared to 2017
  • Data needed by mid-January
  • Res fuel use NG SCC – can it be broken up into more SCCs – they have different profiles and controls – Rich Mason and Jennifer Snyder are PoC
  • see this report:
  • Solvents – already available for 2021
  • Livestock – should be able to rerun for 2022
  • RWC: What should RWH TF be doing for Collaborative? There have been some calls with various EPA folks regarding updates for 2022v2. There may be new SCCs that could be used? Working on spatial surrogates

TCEQ will provide fire data, onroad VMT, point submittals

Canada and Mexico – EPA working with some new data for these countries

Emissions Modeling Watercooler – group will get involved to look at ancillary data

  • This winter would look at ancillary files and how to package the EMP
  • May invite other modelers as time goes on

Quarterly update

  • Need to get calendar invite created for Feb 7 call - somewhat expanded version of what was discussed today

November 8, 2023

This meeting was cancelled due to the November 2 large group meeting bringing everyone up to date on current and upcoming activities.

October 11, 2023


1.       Recap of the EIC

2.       Communication plan update from Tom M and Tom R

3.       Planning for November 1 meeting

4.       Data call for fires

5.       Sharing of the Development Plan

6.       Thoughts on the 2022 tool for data review and comment

1. Recap of the EIC

The portion of the AQ session at the EIC went well and was well attended. Thank you to all that participated - especially our panelists!

2. Communication plan update from Tom M and Tom R

The communication plan was shared at the National oil and gas meeting. It was well received. Noting that the training and tool listed in the plan are aspirational. Training means to share information / provide support.

The goal is to provide updates 5 times (once per quarter) to each of the work groups. We want to focus on the most important things to them to contribute including what's happening , what's next, and how to contribute. Rhonda's help was appreciated.

There are 5 general slides on the overall direction and benefits to S/L agencies that all groups will see, but for each group want to add a couple of slides focused on their sector(s) - e.g., options for oil and gas inventory development for NOGEC.

We discussed when it makes sense to present on MJO MOVES. Marc Houyoux is attending in October for AERR presentation and Q&A, so thinking November 16 is probably better. To get invite, register at

For EGUs, Alison will reach out to Serpil on presenting the plan on 10/26.

Greg mentioned the SESARM meeting Nov 14-16 where Alison is scheduled to speak, but it could make sense for Tom to speak (or both). They also have a national meetings calendar that could provide useful dates for updates. Greg would like to get the message out to air directors in the southeast.

Michael mentioned that Tom and Tom are already invited to the CENSARA meeting 10/24-10/26.

3.       Planning for November 1 meeting

Alison, Mary, Zac, Rhonda, and Tom R will meet this Friday to plan for the November 1 meeting. Mary will make the Teams invite like last time and will send to all that attended last time (for whom we have emails). Alison will add a note to the Wiki about how to obtain the agenda. Tentative agenda:

a. Review highlights of development plan (want to share a clean version by this meeting) [10 minutes]

b. Share communication plan - especially deadlines including activity data submission. It's important to be consistent in messaging about the deadlines. Q: when do we need comment son 2020 stationary sources? [Tom, Tom, and Rhonda - 15-30 minutes] Will take questions in chat not by voice.

c. Review / demo the 2020 inventory review tool. Ask people for input if that makes sense. How best to review the inventory? Gather info after the call. Alison would like to have a more automated way to track comments in a database. Perhaps a form could help. [Alison]

d. Activity data submittal and other data review: Jeff reviewed some info about the fire activity request on call. Janice can review the status of activity submissions, also remind about point source submittals including control implementation. Deadline for onroad VMT is end of 2023. Can share 2021 control information as the latest available, plus who submitted 2021 data. [Jeff, Janice, Mark or Zac]. There will be a follow up webinar on LADCO data review plan.

e. Wrap up with schedule reminder for next couple of quarters and Q&A plus discussion.

4.       Data call for fires

Jeff sent the data call. Ideally it should go to MJOs and state reps. It was sent to staff from the NEI fire workgroup list and other contacts. A template was provided. WESTAR, Northeast, and CenSARA shared with their air directors. Tom points out we should communicate that we value people's time as they have a large workload and have to balance it. EPA is in the process of pulling together a draft inventory. A kickoff call is planned - possibly by mid-November or at latest by early December.

5.       Sharing of the Development Plan

It's the last call for comments. We plan to share a clean version Nov 1.

6.       Thoughts on the 2022 tool for data review and comment

We want to clarify how states can contribute high-value information at low cost / effort. LADCO has a review plan for the inventory including nonpoint and nonroad sectors by December 15 including a spreadsheet of 2017 and 2011 SCCs by state. They are collecting feedback on which SCCs are most important. They will send information to EPA on the key SCCs.

When might MOVES4 inputs / CDBs be available? EPA can share CDBs for 2021 within next few weeks and hopefully 2021 emissions before Nov 17. It would be helpful to show which data haven't changed from state submissions, although this is difficult because of the varying leels of state submissions by sector. LADCO states want to understand new methods / categories (e.g., RWC).

September 13, 2023


  1. Status of the 2022 Platform Development Plan
  2. Coordination committee member roles in facilitating the 2022 EIC
  3. Update on communication coordination from Tom and Tom
  4. Update on the Projections workgroup
  5. Plans for the 2022-related talks at the 2022 EIC (agenda now available)
  6. Announcement that the 2020 platform should be released before the EIC


Status of the 2022 Platform Development Plan

  • Need to determine when is it good enough
  • Set a date and put a version date to share it (September 20)
  • Want it in a form to share by the EIC
  • Tom and Tom are borrowing information in the communication plan
  • There are few things in the plan that we’ll need to circle back to later, or don’t need as much detail at this point - add notes as an Appendix
  • Note parts that are still to be completed or where we need input to the document from workgroups
  • Freeze the plan on 9/20

Coordination committee member roles in facilitating the 2022 EIC

  • Zac and Alison describe how coordination committee members will advocate for the process in the different workgroups
  • Tom expressed concerns that the activity in each workgroup could be different if we don’t have a consistent/coordinated plan
  • Communication plan needs to be in place to ensure that the messages are consistent across workgroups
  • When we get to point of needing actual work in the workgroups, how do we get that work done?
  • Need someone to bring the technical issues to the different groups
  • How long will the technical interactions go on until we move into development? Does scope involve new technical work or not?
  • ACTION: need to make a table of workgroups with meeting dates, WG leads, CC leads to interface with them
  • Susan will help in the ERTAC and IPM workgroups

Update on communication coordination

  • CC to provide feedback on communication plan by next week
  • Tom will generate the slides and coordination committee members can deliver to the workgroups
  • Coordination committee 2022EC advocates to present slides on the communication to the workgroups
  • Zac/Alison to create a table of workgroups with primary contacts, and column with advocates from the coordination committee in each group

Plans for the 2022-related talks at the 2022 EIC

  • Lightning talk on the collaborative
  • Alison/Zac co-chairing session on inventories for AQM Wednesday morning 2nd half to have a block on the collaborative:
    • 20 min introduction talk on the 2022 EC;
    • panel with 4x 5 min talks and
    • 20 min community discussion
  • Hope to see Coordination committee members at the panel and at the conference

Update on the Projections workgroup

  • Calls 1st Wed at 3 Central
  • Draft charge/workplan available
  • Alison drafted a table of sectors with suggested / recent projection methods for each
  • Will create collaboration tools for the group to use

2020 platform Announcement

Follow up items

  • Do we need a subset of the coordination committee to dig into, e.g., technical improvements?
  • How can we encourage people to reach out broadly about projections, identify where there needs more work/attention?
  • Still working on collaborative communication mechanisms.
  • How can people get "on the list" for quarterly calls / collaborative communication?
  • Need to set up link for November 2 call

August 9, 2023


  1. Feedback on August 2 kickoff webinar
  2. Status of 2022 development plan review
  3. Known data calls for states
  4. Collaborative at 2023 Emission Inventory Conference
  5. Roles of the communications team
  6. Where to hold non-sector-specific technical discussion


Feedback on August 2 kickoff webinar

Status of 2022 development plan review

  • Sent to Coordination Committee
  • Hope to publish late August or early September
  • Need to review 2020 inventory and have some discussion points
  • ACTION: comments due to August 18
  • ACTION: need clarify timeline for various activities (data review, etc)
  • Need to explain differences between v1 and v2

Known data calls for states

  • Year 2022 Vehicle miles traveled by MOVES source type or HPMS vehicle type by county - can be a spreadsheet
  • Fire activity data will be requested around September
  • Some projection-related data will be needed (fall-winter)
  • Staffing workgroups and reviewing data products

2023 Emission Inventory Conference

  • Tentative agenda is available
  • Plan for one hour at AQ modeling session: intro talk, panel, community discussion

Important things to know

  • Which sectors have significant changes between 2017 and 2020?
  • What will EPA do with data states provide for mobile sources?
  • How will v1 and v2 be used?

Roles of the communications team

  • Would like to encourage states with smaller air programs to participate in data review - need to explain why it is important
  • Give opportunities for feedback
  • There has been attrition and staff turnover, so this is new to some
  • Need to make sure folks know how data will be used and how the data have been prepared

Where to hold non-sector-specific technical discussion

  • Examples include review of data summaries by speciation, spatial, and temporal profiles
  • What about non-EGU point issues - a sector that doesn't have a workgroup?