2017-04-04 IWDW-WAQS Project Stewards
Date: April 4, 2017
Time: 3:30-4pm MDT
Call in: 1-800-768-2983 and access code 4918837
- Webinar: https://join.me/IWDW-Online
- Stewards documentation: Project and Data Request Overview
- Data Request Overview (requires login)
- Projects Overview (Filtered to show "Team" member's projects)
Data Requests
- 4531 - ENVIRON - 2011a WRF 4km for
-CMAQ run for EPRI EIS -This was an add onSupplement toearlier request for36km and 12km WRF. Jaegun Jin (R-E Novato) has sincecancelledinformed us to disregard the request because Ramboll Environ Lynwood has processed and provided 4km WRF
- 4534 - Missouri DNR - request for 2011b emissions inputs to "test" download speeds from IWDW
- 4531 - NPS/CIRA - Rui Zhang request for 2011a CAMx output for GCBC run. He was informed these data are not available from the IWDW
Other items