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2022v1 Base Year Data Review Kickoff Call

2022 EMP Wiki Main Page

Inventory Collaborative Development Plan

National Emissions Collaborative Kickoff for the 2022v1 Base Year Data Review
Wednesday, March 27 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT

Presentation Materials

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Presentation recording


This webinar willprovides provide an update of the National Emissions Collaborative process for developing the 2022 emissions modeling platform (EMP). US EPA and 2022 Collaborative workgroup leads will provide updatesinformation on the work they've donehow to develop and review 2022v1 inventories and emissions data. US EPA will review the web-based2022v1 toolbase foryear accessingdata tabulatedand emissions for the 2022 modeling platform. There will be an announcementhow to kicksubmit off the 2022v1 platform data review period, which will take place in April. The webinar will wrap up with a review of key upcoming dates, and with an open Q&A/discussion.comments.

All air quality planning stakeholders are invited to join the webinar.


  • Summary of activitiesNeeds and accomplishmentsschedule tofor date​developing 2022v1 EMP
  • 2022How stakeholders can access the 2022v1 EMP dataemissions submittaland related analysis products
  • UpdatesHow bystakeholders sectorcan submit questions and workgroup​make comments​
  • 2022Prioritizing EMP datayour review tool update​
  • Version 1 review period and kickoff​
  • engaging Schedulewith reminders​
  • Next stepsworkgroups
  • Questions and input

Next Call

May 1, 2024 @ 2 Eastern