2015_0203 DW Operations
Date: Feb. 3, 2015 2:30pm MST
Time: 1-866-398-2885 and access code 747721
1. Review action items from 1/20/15 DW ops. meeting
2. Review text modifications for Data Request page.
3. ARMS modeling platform on DW. (Leonard Herr - BLM; Courtney Taylor - AECOM)
- metadata requirements for creating new "upload" project
- hardware requirements
- integration with visualization tools
4. Update on new tools
5. National O&G Workgroup repository web page
6. AOB
Wrap Up
Attendees: Zac, Ralph, Dustin, Shawn, Rodger
Call duration: 1hr 10min.
1. Follow up on action items from last meeting:
- Zac will create wiki on 2008b 36km WRF precipitation anomaly.
- Tom will update Data Use Agreement
- Ralph/Zac have sent CIRA group chemical species mappings for CAMx (note CB5 vs CB6 specific mappings)
- Dustin continues work on updating the user input fields for the Data Request form.
- Rodger continues work w/ Tom on developing the O&G web repository
- Shawn will follow up on migration of ENVIRON SA tool code base to DW