2016-03-28 tools workgroup
Date: March 28, 2016
Time: 1:00-2:30 PM MDT
Call in: 1-800-768-2983 and access code 4918837
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IWDW Tools Workgroup
Contents [hide]
Tools wiki Meeting minutes and agendasTools workgroup forum IWDW Forum topic on tool development
Current tools
The Data page on the IWDW website provides links to the tools:- Emissions Review
- Source Apportionment (2008b)
- Model-to-Observation Comparison
- Model Performance Evaluation Plots
- Summary Reports
Recent additions
- 2011a R1 SA visualization tool: link
- 2011a R1 Interactive Spreadsheets ftp://viking.cira.colostate.edu/SA/
Development tools
- Emissions GIS
- MPE metrics: link
1. Review minutes from previous call
2. Status of current tools
3. IWDW tools planning documents
- Annotated MPE checklist (includes summary of deposition MPE products)
- List from Rebecca IWDW_MPE_Priorities
4. IWDW Phase I Tools
Data(visualization) Requst; Inventory Tracking; User management; Wiki; Forumstools
- Stacked bar charts/tabular data for emissions inventories to county/SCC level;
- Beta version of emission inventory GIS - state and county spatial maps and pie charts showing emission source categories
- Source Aportionment
- 2008b SA
- Add splash page with links and descriptions for 2008b, 2011a R1, 2011b R2 visualization tools, link to R1 spreadsheets;
- Add description and link to 2011b R3 output
- Model-to-obs
- 2008b Base
- Add 2008b Future, 2011a Base and Future, 2011b Base and Future (CAMx, CMAQ);
- Model-to-model intercomparisons
- MPE plots
- Suite of MPE plots for met., emissions, and AQ modeling output;
- Identify AQ tile plots with obs overlays (e.g. O3 1hr max);
- Identify met plots for MPE;
- Add document describing how users can upload files to MPE Plots tool;
- MPE stats
- Seasonal, annual, state and modeling domain aggregate statistics;
- Add site level output?
- AQ Reports
- Annual trends Obs. data for NAAQS metrics
- Other IWDW tools
- Data Request; Inventory Tracking; User management; Wiki; Forums; Documentation
5. Phase II Road Map
- GIS tools for visualization of gridded data
- PGM output and obs data (combine output - NAAQS metrics);
- Gridded emissions (premerged emissions - speciated VOCs)
- Met data (WRF output, model ready met - guidance on met inputs for tools)
- MPE Plots
- Generation of additional spatial and or statistical plots?
6. Other items
- IWDW website updates
- Public Face
- OC secured space
7. Next call
Action Items