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Project and Data Request Overview

Terms & Definitions

  1. Western States Air Quality Study (WSAQS).(WAQS).
  2. Western StatesAir Quality Data Warehouse (WSDW).(WAQDW).
  3. Project - A grouping of one or more data requests in the WSDWWAQDW system.
  4. Data Request - A request for data WSAQSWAQS data submitted to the WSDW.WAQDW.
  5. Project Steward - The individual responsible for overseeing projects and data requests through their life cycle in the WSDW.WAQDW.


  1. Data Request Procedure - A help page that describes how to submit a data request on the DW website.
  2. Projects Overview - The starting point on the WSDW web site for managing and creating projects.
  3. Data Request - A direct link to the WSDW data request form. Users can browse WSAQS modeling platforms and other data, and submit data requests.
  4. Data Use Agreement - The document that accompanies each request for data from the WSWD.

Initiating Data Requests

There are two pathways that users can follow to request modeling platforms and other data from the WSDW:WAQDW: One, via the Projects page, or Two, by submitting a Direct Data Request (see links #2 and #3 above).

Start a new Project

The "Project" path is the preferred approach to obtain WSAQSWAQS modeling platforms for use in NEPA modeling studies. To initiate a new project, users must be registered on the WSDWWAQDW website, and have a "Project Manager" role. Project Managers act as "Stewards" for projects in the WSDW. When a project is created, the Steward providesagrees to provide basic projectoversight information,in includinga liaison role for the projectproposed title,data request and project execution, including the intended use of the modeling data requested from the WSDW. WAQDW. The Steward can assigndesignate DW and regional modeling Team members to be associated with the project. Team members can submit data requests to the WSDWWAQDW under the authority of the Project Steward.

Submit a Direct Data Request

This avenue allows general users to initiate and submit data requests to the WSDW.WAQDW. This is the recommend track for individuals who are affiliated with universities, agencies outside the purview of the WSAQSWAQS Cooperators, or other interested parties, to request data. Direct data requests will be sent to the WSAQSWAQS Team for approval. If the data request is approved a new project will be created in the WSDW,WAQDW, and the request will become part of that project. The requestor will identify a Sponsor, who will be contacted by the WSDWWAQDW Team to determine an appropriate Project Steward as part of the data request approval process.

Criteria for Data Request Approval

Data Selection

In order to be approved, data requests must specify the files that are being requested from the WSDW. WAQDW and the requestor must provide information and documentation about the application of WAQDW data. Use the data browser in the data request form to view available modeling platforms and supporting data. If certain files are not available, the will be flagged as UNAVAILABLE in the left hand panel of the data browser. Requests for unavailable data can be submitted, however such requests will not be approved until the data have undergone final review by the WSQASWAQS Cooperators and the data are made available on the WSDW. WAQDW.

Basic Parameters and Supporting Metadata

In order to be approved, each data request must include basic parameters; for example, the name of requestor, the name of a sponsor, the intended use of data being requested, acceptance of the data use agreement, and other details specified on the data request form. WeUsers stronglyproviding encourage userscomplete to provideand sufficient supporting information to describe for each data request.request will expedite processing by the DW team. To give an idea of the type of information and level of detail we are looking for, we have provided examples of supporting documentsdocumentation from previous WSDWWAQDW data requests. Please refer to these examples as a guide when you submit supporting documentation with a data requestsrequest to the WSDW. WAQDW.
  1. pdf Routes to Sustainability for Natural Gas Development and Water and Air Resources in the Rocky Mountain Region
  2. pdf Routes to Sustainability for Natural Gas Development and Water and Air Resources in the Rocky Mountain Region: Sensitivity Analysis
  3. pdf Origin of the Reactive Nitrogen in the Greater Yellowstone Area
  4. pdf Work Plan: Modeled Air Quality and Human Health Impacts of Proposed Methane Controls on Oil and Gas Production Activities in the Western U.S.

Project Steward

All WSDWWAQDW projects must have an accompanying Project Steward. The Project StewardStewards ushersare a small group of expert technical and program staff representing the WAQS Cooperating Agencies sponsoring and overseeing the DW and associated regional modeling efforts. Stewards usher data requests through the approval process, and overseesoversee projects through their life cycle in the WSDW. WAQDW. The Project Steward's role in theeach data request is straight forward; they eitheragree approveto oract disapproveas thea datatechnical requestsliaison associatedfor withindividual projects. their project. The Project Steward has a broaderbroad role in the overall life cycle of a project; they can assigndesignating Team Members,Members theyto overseesupport the data request, tracking and understanding the results from the modeling studystudies usingapplying WSDWWAQDW data, ongoing communication with the data andrequestor ensure that all project participants abide by the terms of the Data Use Agreement,contact(s), and finallytracking theyand facilitatefacilitating the return of modeling data resultsresulting from the application of the data request data - to the WSDWWAQDW upon completion of the modeling study.

Project Stewards are generallydetermined affiliatedby withthe WSAQSWAQS Cooperating agencies,Agencies, and are also active in the WSAQSWAQS Technical Committee. Cooperating agencies include, but are not limited to, the EPA, BLM, NPS, US Forest Service, and otherthe groupsStates of CO, NM, WY, and UT who are approved to use WSAQS data. If a data request is submitted on behalf of a research institution or other organization outside the purview of the WSAQS Cooperators, the WSQAS Team will review the requestsponsor and identifyoversee a Steward provided the request meets the basic criteria for approval.WSAQS.

Data Use Agreement

In order for data requests to be approved, the data requestor, or Recipient,requestor must agree to the terms specified in the WSDWWAQDW Data Use Agreement. A Data Use Agreement accompanies each data request submitted to the WSDW.WAQDW. The agreement establishes the terms and conditions under which the Recipient will access, copy, use, and useattribute data provided by the WSDW. WAQDW; as well as reporting study results back to the DW. By agreeing to the Data Use Agreement the Recipient enters into a legally binding agreement with the WSQASWAQS Cooperators, where Parties to and terms are defined in the text of the agreement. (See the Data Use Agreement in the "Links" Section, above.)

Completion of the Project associated with the Data Request

A significant scientific and technical goal of the DW is to use and provide the best available data for regional air quality studies and planning. In order to address that goal, the data requestor agrees to send new data results based on studies using DW-provided data, back to the DW for storage, cataloguing, and application.