2015_0203 DW Operations
Date: Feb. 3, 2015 2:30pm MST
Time: 1-866-398-2885 and access code 747721
1. Review action items from 1/20/15 DW ops. meeting
2. Review text modifications for Data Request page.
3. ARMS modeling platform on DW. (Leonard Herr - BLM; Courtney Taylor - AECOM)
- metadata requirements for creating new "upload" project
- hardware requirements
- integration with visualization tools
4. Update on new tools
5. National O&G Workgroup repository web page
6. AOB
Wrap Up 1. Follow up on action items from last meeting: Zac will create wiki on 2008b 36km WRF precipitation anomaly. Tom will update Data Use Agreement Ralph/Zac have sent CIRA group chemical species mappings for CAMx (note CB5 vs CB6 specific mappings) Dustin continues work on updating the user input fields for the Data Request form. Rodger continues work w/ Tom on developing the O&G web repository Shawn will follow up on migration of ENVIRON SA tool code base to DW