EGU Workgroup
Inventory Collaborative Google Drive Link
Co-leads: Julie McDill (MARAMA), Serpil Kayin (EPA),Adel Alsharafi (MO), Leon Ashford (OK), Marie Barnes (NY), Deb Basnight (GA), Carla Bedenbaugh (SC), Chris Beekman (OH), Molly Birnbaum (AK), Randy Bordner (PA), Hassan Bouchareb (MN), George Bowker (EPA), Emily Bull (MD), Yu-Lien Chu (WI), Rory Davis (IL), Barry Exum (TX), Alison Eyth (EPA), Caroline Farkas (EPA), Paula Hemmer (NC), Craig Henrikson (MT), Roslyn Higgin (NM), Anne Jackson (MN), Wendy Jacobs (CT), Mark Jones (NM), Serpil Kayin (EPA), Byeong-Uk Kim (GA), Steve Lachance (MI), Adam Lewis (NJ), Jon Loftus (WI), Doris McLeod (VA), Jeremy Neustifter (CO), Ona Papageorgiou (NY), Leslie Poff (KY), Andy Russo (IL), Ken Santlal (MA), Tom Shanley (MI), Eric Svingen (EPA), Curtis Taipale (CO), Sylvia Vanderspek (CA), John Welch (IN), Anna Wood (AL), Ming Xie (NC) Alanna Keller (WV)
EGU Workgroup Meetings
Held the 4th Thursday of the month at 2:00 p.m. Eastern.
Registration URL:
April 19, 2018
1. Updated from MD and Ron Ryan (EPA) of development of 2016 crosswalk
2. Discussion of source groupings (ERTAC EGU leadership)
3. Timeline for 2016 EGU sector
4. Small EGU temporalization for 2011 platform - MD
3. Power sector modeling workshop (Serpil)
2. Discussion of source groupings (ERTAC EGU leadership)
Here are some flags for discussion that might be useful in the inventory to facilitate the use of alternative growth methodologies like ERTAC or the application of temporal profiles.
1: ERTAC EGU units-units grown and temporalized using ERTAC EGU tool. 2: Small EGUs- units that do not report to CAMD and are not grown by the ERTAC EGU tool but the application of a load following temporal profile may be appropriate. Concept based on MDE's work. 3: NonEGU CAMD units- 3A: NBTP units: these units report to CAMD for at least the ozone season but are not EGUs (> 250 mmbtu/hr fossil fuel fired units under the NBTP, for example). Modelers may want to use a temporal profile during the summer months based on reported activity or emissions in 2016. (Example - large steam providers at kraft mills, pharmaceutical companies, etc) 3B: Units converted from coal to biomass: These units report to CAMD but burn biomass, and therefore the ERTAC EGU tool does not currently have the ability to project these units. However, states may wish to use the BY temporal profile from CAMD 2016 data in the FY for modeling purposes as these units are generally load following and the data is readily available. 4: Municipal solid waste combustion-these units, when classified as "large," have CEMs but do not report to CAMD. These units burn primarily MSW. While their profiles may not be typically load following, CEM data may allow states or regions to assign specific or regional profiles appropriate for the category. They sometimes have significant emissions. 5: IPM- for those units that could be projected using IPM, in a situation where a region or state wishes to rely on those data.
January 25, 2018
AttendeesAdel Alsharafi, Leon Ashford, Marie Barnes, Christopher Beekman, Molly Birnbaum, James Boylan, Teri Buck, Emily Bull, Alexandra Caluseriu, Yu-Lien Chu, Rory Davis, Robyn DeYoung, Erich Eschmann, Barry Exum, Alison Eyth, Paula Hemmer, Craig Henrikson, Roslyn Higgin, John Hornback, Stephanie Huber, Anne Jackson, Wendy Jacobs, Mark Janssen, Mark Jones, Serpil Kayin, Byeong-Uk Kim, Steve Lachance, Jeremy Mark, Doris Mcleod, Tom Moore, Jeremy Neustifter, Leslie Poff, Tom Richardson, Ken Santlal, Tom Shanley, Eric Svingen, Mark Wert, John Welch, Anna Wood, Carla Bedenbaugh, Randy Bordner, Ron Ryan, Ming Xie, Deborah Basnight, George Bowker, Caroline Farkas, Joseph Jakuta, Ona Papageorgiou, Curtis Taipale, Andrew Russo
1. Overview of 2016 platform process - Alison
2. Development of 2016 base year emissions – Alison
3. Crosswalk & Redistribution of point sources to accommodate use of either EPA or ERTAC EGU files – Julie
4. Use of 2016 data in EPA projections - Serpil
5. Introduction to ERTAC EGU inventory development - Julie
6. Outline of proposed plan/next steps for 2016 EGU emissions
- Alison Eyth (EPA OAQPS) presented on The 2016 platform process, 2016 point sources, and EGU temporal allocation
- Serpil Kayin (EPA OAP) presented on recent and upcoming approaches to EPA's power sector projections
- Julie McDill gave an Introduction to ERTAC EGU
Action Items
- Members should review the EGU Workgroup Charge
- Co-leads to develop a plan for members to review the crosswalk needed to separate EGUs from non-EGUs
- EPA to develop the draft 2016 point inventory by the end of March, 2018
Next Call: March 22, 2018 2PM Eastern