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2016-01-28 Tools Workgroup

Date: January 28, 2016
Time: 2-3:30pm MST
Call in: 1-800-768-2983 and access code 4918837

IWDW Tools Workgroup


Tools wiki Meeting minutes and agendas
Tools workgroup forum IWDW Forum topic on tool development

Current tools

The Data page on the IWDW website provides links to the tools:
  • Emissions Review
  • Source Apportionment
  • Model-to-Observation Comparison
  • Model Performance Evaluation Plots
  • Summary Reports

Development tools

  • Emissions GIS
    • Counties colored by selected parameter magnitude: demo
    • Pie chart w/ drilldown State/County -> Source Category - > SCC: demo


  1. Review minutes from December Tools workgroup call
    1. 2015-12-02 Tools Workgroup
  2. Status of current tools
    1. IWDW Tools 2016-01-28.docx
  3. Emissions GIS demo (see links above)
    1. Comments on UI
    2. Comments on display products
    3. Relevant GIS layers
      1. APCD
      2. EPA Greenbook
      3. O&G activity
    4. Additional spatial analysis to include in display (e.g. wells per county, etc.)
    5. Outcomes
  4. IWDW tool development
    1. Priorities - MPE x IWDW matrix.docx; plot examples
    2. Update on model-to-obs tool
    3. Outcomes
  5. Other items
  6. Next call



Gail T., Kevin B., Rebecca M., Ken R., Patrick B., Mark J., Zac A., Shawn M, Dustin S. Rodger A.


Rodger reviewed minutes from the previous Tools Workgroup call, then walked the group through the IWDW tools document and updated the group on the current status of IWDW visualization and MPE tools.

GIS demos

Dustin gave a demo of two new emissions GIS prototype tools. The spatial tool allows users to select/deselect states and/or counties while the map display auto calibrates the display scale to the current selection. The spatial tool also supports display of additional spatial layers. Rodger presented resources for spatial layers, and the group generally concurred that these were adequate for the GIS displays.

Feedback from the group included adding a source category dropbox to the county level spatial emissions tool. This would allow the tool to display pollutant emissions for user selected major source categories, more closely mimicking the functionality of the current ERT. Other feedback was to show the difference between two modeling platforms.

Alignment of IWDW displays with EPA's MPE Checklist

Rebecca provided the group with a document that summarizes the graphical products in the MPE checklist document. This is similar to the MPExIWDW table Rodger presented to the group during the previous call. The intent of these lists is to locate MPE products specified in the checklist that already exist on the IWDW, and further to identify MPE products that are not available on the IWDW and possibly prioritize these graphics for future development. The consensus of the group was to complete the MPE "alignment" process, then solicit feedback from the tools workgroup on IWDW tool development prioritization. Further development work on prototype tools, such as the emissions GIS tools, should be postponed until the group is able to prioritize tool development on all MPE categories outlined in the checklist, including emissions and PGM results.

MPE checklist graphical products DRAFT_StatsGraphicalDisplays_List_MPE_Analyses_WSAQS_v01282016.docx

Model-to-obs tool

Shawn gave an overview of the status of the current model-to-obs tool and discussed some of the "snags" he has encountered ingesting 2011a MPE results, largely related to duplicate records in the observational data. He will pursue pulling obs data from the relational database, and use the dataset provided by UNC-IE for model results.

Action Items

  • Rodger - work with Zac and Rebecca to locate MPE checklist graphics on the IWDW and revise the "StatsGraphicalDisplays" document accordingly.
  • Rodger - outline spatial layers for possible inclusion in GIS based displays.