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IWDW Phase I Status

This page provides details on the status of the IWDW component of the IWDW-WAQS Project through Phase I of the IWDW funding cycle. A broader overview is provided in the IWDW Phase I Status document.


MPE Plots

Table 1. Links to file inventories for modeling scenarios provide in the IWDW MPE Plots Tool. The files first list a directory summary, including size, sub directories and files, then lists the directory contents at the file level.

ScenarioIndexDisk Space Used (TB)Files
2008 Base08bindex=Disk Space Used (TB) =Files 
2011 Base11a_GCBCindex  
2011 Base11a_MOVESindex  
2011 Base11aindex  
2011 Base11a_WinterO3index  
2011 Base11b MET WinterO3index  
2011 Base11bindex  
2011 Base25a_11bindex  
2011 WRFindex  
2014 WRFindex  



Virtual PathIndexDisk Space Used (TB)Files