DW Utilities
This page details the installation and configuration of various data and user management utilities installed on the warehouse file servers. All of these utilities are stored in a git repositories hosted on bitbucket. All of these repositories belong to a group project on bitbucket called IWDW. The IWDW landing page on bitbucket is here: https://bitbucket.org/iwdw/
Each repository may have a specific wiki hosted on bitbucket. This page provides a description of each system and the steps to install and configure them.
Configure Utilities Directory
Linux IP Blocker
This system consists of a script and cron job which scans a security log for repeated login attempts and blocks the source ip address in iptablesSetup
Clone git repositorycd /var/DWUtils/ git clone git@bitbucket.org:iwdw/linuxipblocker.git
Activate cron job