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WRAP 2014 NEIv2 Emissions Review

Workgroup to review USEPA emissions inventories for 2014v2 NEI. The Workgroup will allow states to review the inventories prior to WAQS photochemical modeling.

Data source:

2914v2 NEI emissions inventories are provided by USEPA

Accessed via Google Drive:

CMAS Data Warehouse -> SMOKE -> 2014fd_2015fd_2016fd_alpha_platform_042518.tar.gz

Zip file expands to 24 emissions sectors

sectorn filesPtArea201420152016notes
afdust1 xx  20171228_22jan2018_v2
ag2 xx  NH3 and not NH3
beis0     5 files, 4 .ncf, 1 txt
cem0     26 files (2x monthly, 3 for dec. and one cemsum_2014fb_revised.txt)
cmv_c1c22 x   onshore and offshore
cmv_c32x    looks like offshore and onshore (one txt nonUS_nonCANADA)
nonpt2x    one file with pfc preface
nonroad1 x   one nonroad_from_MOVES csv.trim (5Gb, should this be included?)
np_oilgas1 x    
onroad1 x   4 .csv files with lt 45 cols (HOTELLING, SPEED, VMT, VPOP)
onroad_ca_adj0     4 .csv files with lt 45 cols (HOTELLING, SPEED, VMT, VPOP)
onroad_can1 x    
onroad_mex1 x    
othafdust1 x   Canada
othar8 x   Canada, Mexico
othpt8x    Canada, Mexico
pt_oilgas2x    Offshore and onshore
ptagfire2x    NEIv2 and state submitted (4 daily txt files daily files)
ptfire1x    two txt daily txt files
ptfire_othna5x    five daily txt daily files
rail1 x    
rwc1 x    
totals452223   8 .csv files omitted, 97 files total (44 non .csv files omitted)