2015_0331 DW Operations
Date: March 31, 2015 2:30pm MST
Time: 1-866-398-2885 and access code 747721
Contents [hide]
1. Review action items from March 17 call.
2. Re-cap from Feb. 25 Tech. Committee Meeting
- EPA checklist
- 2011a & 2011a2 resources and availability on DW
- anything else...
3. Additions to Wiki
- Comments: point links to doc to DW documents page (ensure most recent doc is referenced); add link to TOC for wiki entries further up processing chain (or see wiki entries in table below); explain evaluation rankings in Table
4. DW website development
- Data Request UI
- Image Browser link (UI and tool layout, functionality, etc.)
- Other high priority tools under development
5. Data Request status
- Status of "Submitted requests" Data Request Status
6. Other DW projects (work we want to keep track of, but don't necessarily need to rehash during every call)
- ARMS platform
- O&G workgroup page
- In house tool development
- Model-to-obs tool
- Emissions browser
Wrap Up