2017-01-11 WAQS monitoring network assessment working group
Date: January 11, 2017
Time: 11:30-1pm MST
Call in: 1-800-768-2983 and access code 4918837
- Webinar:
https://join.me/IWDW-Online - Working Group Wiki
WAQS Monitoring Network Assessment Resources - Revised WAQS monitoring site list (updated for AQS data as of 12/23/2016)
WAQS monitoring sites.xlsx - Powerpoints for the call
WAQS Monitoring Network Assessment WG3.pptx
- Dec. - Jan. activities
- Monitoring sites
- 3SAQS/WAQS support
- State AQ agencies
- Site lists by BLM, Tribal, industry, etc. operated sites
- Parameters
- O3, PM2.5, NO2, NO, NOx, VOCs, PM2.5, S & N deposition, Met.
- Data analysis
- Air Basins
- Site-to-site correlations
- Area of representativeness
- Intersection with emissions and AQ modeling results
- Next steps
Attendees: Dan Sharon (WYDEQ), Tom Moore (WESTAR/WRAP), Barkley Sive (NPS), Kevin Briggs (CDPHE), Rebecca Matichuck (EPA), Chad Meister (BLM-CO), Mike Barna (NPS), Doug Kuenzli (MTDEQ), Barb Regynski (SDDENR) , Brad Schultz (SDDENR), Shawn McClure (CIRA), Gregory Harshfield (CDPHE), Debbie Miller (USFS), Rodger Ames (CIRA), Dustin Schmidt (CIRA)
Rodger walked the group through the presentation (...WG3.pptx, see attachment above). There was uncertainty on the current role of WAQS support for the six monitoring sites identified in the 3SAQS Network Assessment (slide #4 from the presentation). Rebecca and Tom will take this on as an action item. Greg H. indicated that the new CDPHE site at Paradox is operated under a cost share with NPS with funding to ARS for site operation. He also noted that the Dinasour East site on slide #5 should be called Elk Springs and is a CDPHE site. Chad Meister indicated that Meeker and Rangely sites are funded by BLM-CO. AQS indicates BLM-CO as the "collecting agency" for these sites, and they are now included with "BLM" in a revised WAQS site list (see attachment above). This site list includes revised AQS data as of 12/23/2016 that were not included in the tables prepared at the time of this call.
Rodger showed the group a spreadsheet with monitors from AQS separated by various organizations. The revised site list separates monitors into the following organizations: CDPHE, WDEQ, UDEQ, NM-AL, MTDEQ, NDSDH, SDDEP, BLM, EPA-NPS, USFS, TRIBES, and INDUSTRY. Rodger will add annotation collected from the group to the revised site list and present to the group during the next working group call in February.
Slides #9 and 10 addressed parameters for the assessment. Barkley Sive mentioned the upcoming 2017 NPS VOC study at Carlsbad, Great Basin, Grand Canyon and Joshua Tree. Data from this study could augment WAQS MPE for 2017 modeling as it coincides with a NEI year.
The presentation shifted to an overview of the analysis phase of the assessment. Dustin presented his work to define air sheds for the WAQS region using a hydrology based GIS. He was able to fairly closely reproduce the Colorado air sheds defined by CDPHE, and extend his analysis to the WAQS region. The intent is to use the air sheds to help constrain representative areas for a given monitor. Rodger then presented examples of site-to-site correlations using daily obs that showed regional and seasonal patterns in the correlations which suggest the correlation analysis has potential to further constrain the representative area for monitors.
Final slides in the WG presentation outlined next steps and an updated project timeline.
Action Items
- Look into WAQS Oversight Committee's discussion regarding support for monitoring sites (Rebecca/Tom)
- Follow up on Tribal monitors (volunteers from working group)
- Revise WAQS monitoring site list using recent AQS (12/23/2016) data (Rodger)
- Continue air shed analysis (Dustin)
- Continue site-to-site analysis and gathering relevant emissions and model output data (Rodger & Dustin)
- Follow up with working group on time for February call