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2016_0309 dw operations

Date: Mar. 09, 2016
Time: 12:30-1:30pm MST
Call in: 1-800-768-2983 and access code 4918837


1. Action items from the previous call

2. Data request overview link

  • EMIS software added to SC request #2237 (Status ->= Under Review)Review -> Data Delivered)
  • 3389, 3391 - need authorization (GT Steward) (Status -> Data Delivered)
  • Remove test cases
  • 80 (Status -> Cancelled)

3. Modeling platforms link

  • 2011b status

4. Tool development

  • MPE Metrics prototype - link each entry to graphic?
  • GIS prototype modifications
  • SA vis. tools - links from IWDW website

  • Emissions GIS
    • County level pollutant map: demo
    • Source category pie chart map overlays: demo

5. Other items

  • Mar. 8 OC Meeting update
    • about page, study overview maps
    • OC secured space, OC specific content, ...
  • annotated MPE checklist


Action Items