Inventory Collaborative 2016beta Emissions Modeling Platform
Release Timeline
- March 1, 2019: 2016 base year data, software, and scripts
- Est. April 2019: 2023 and 2028 projection year data
In late 2017, a group of state, regional, and federal air planning agencies initiated a collaborative process to build a national emissions modeling platform (EMP) for simulating air quality in the U.S. The 2016beta EMP is first product from the National Emissions Collaborative that includes a full suite of base year (2016) and future year (2023 & 2028) inventories, ancillary emissions data, and scripts and software for preparing the emissions for air quality modeling.A coordination workgroup, ten sector workgroups, and a modeling workgroup were staffed by state and regional air agency, and EPA OAQPS employees. The work of the sector workgroups to build 2016 base year and future year inventories is documented in a series of sector-specific specification sheets below. These specification sheets detail the origin of the inventories and ancillary data used to simulate criteria pollutant, and in many cases hazardous air pollutant, emissions for the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.
The summary stacked bar plots below compare U.S. total criteria pollutant emissions for the 2016beta platform back to 2011 and 2014 base and future year emissions.
Descriptions of the emissions platform cases shown in the plots below are as follows:
- 2011en, 2023en, 2028el = Final 2011, 2023, and 2028 cases from the 2011v6.3 platform
- 2014fd = NEI2014v2 and 2014 NATA
- 2016ff , 2023ff, 2023ff = 2016beta platform
- Biogenic - MEGAN
- Biogenic - BEIS
- Mobile - Onroad
- Mobile - Nonroad
- Mobile - Nonroad - C1/C2 Marine
- Mobile - Nonroad - C3 Marine
- Mobile - Nonroad - Rail
- Nonpoint
- Nonpoint - Agriculture
- Nonpoint - Ag/Fugitive Dust
- Nonpoint - RWC
- Oil & Gas - Nonpoint
- Oil & Gas - Point
- Point - EGU - ERTAC
- Point - EGU - IPM
- Point - non-IPM
- Point - Fires - Agricultural
- Point - Fires - Wild and Prescribed
- Canada - Mobile - Onroad
- Mexico - Mobile - Onroad
- Canada/Mexico - Point
- Canada/Mexico - Point - Fires
- Canada/Mexico - Nonpoint
Summary Plots

Additional Analysis Products
Access 2016beta platform emissions summaries, including comparisons to previous (2011 and 2014) emissions modeling platforms and future year inventory projections.LADCO Plot Viewer
Pre-generated, graphical emissions summaries included bar charts, thematic maps, and gridded maps
IWDW Emissions Review Tool
Interactive website with capabilities to generate customized bar charts and maps of the 2016beta and future year emissions
Collaborative 2016beta Google Drive
Folders by inventory sectors with zip files of tabulated SMOKE report emissions report files. See the zip file tagged "annual_reports" in each sector directory.
Assembling, evaluating, and documenting the initial release of the 2016beta platform involved a large group of committed air quality scientists across multiple state and regional agencies, and EPA OAQPS.