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2015_0518 DW operations

Date: May 18, 2015
Time: 2:30pm MDT
Call in: 1-800-768-2983 and access code 4918837, *2092#4918837


1. 2011a modeling platform status

2. Status of DW Data Requests

3. Road map for DW tool development

  • Time line for developing and publishing current tools (emissions review, image browser, model-to-obs, SA tool)
  • Thoughts on current tools - how to get apples to compare to other apples...
  • Discussion on providing GIS based data/data mining capabilities
    • Tier 1: generate and provide shape files (emissions, PGM output, etc. Add GIS feature selection to platform request page Alternate data selection form)
    • Tier 2: provide GIS enabled drill down capabilities

  • Model post processing (e.g. model-to-obs data pairings)
    • As part of DW data ingest QA
    • Shift responsibility from Modeling Center?

  • Schedule DW tool development call

4. To-do list

  • Change status of three recent review docs to "Finalizing RtC"?
  • Clean up announcements on home page (can home page announcements trigger dynamically, e.g. from Forum post status?)

5. Kudos

  • Shawn for diving into Forum issue!

Wrap Up

Zac, Ralph & Tom gave a wrap up of last week's modeling workshop. Some takeaway points relevant to 3-State work: inherent problems in downscaling fields from global models to regional modeling BCs. 3State project might want to consider taking on global modeling to have more control over how BCs are generated. Also, received input that it is probably reasonable to reduce the residential wood smoke emissions (for region?) by 2x because current inventories don't account for many emissions reduction programs currently in place.

1. 2011a modeling platform: 2020_11a CAMx files in process of transferring. All base case files have been transferred. Tom will add more text to 2011a modeling platform recommendations.

2. Two additional data requests since last call (Forrest Cook, William Vizuete). RA will schedule a data Stewards call to review an approve pending requests, & work with Tom on data request documentation (e.g. examples for data request metadata) and also description of steward's role in data request/project life cycle.

Action Items

  • Tom - add additional text to the 2011a modeling platform "Recommendations".
  • Dustin/Rodger - add pdfs of Capps & Thompson data requests to Data Request Overview doc.
  • Rodger - set up DW Stewards call for May 26. Tom will add description of "what a Steward will do" WRT DW data request.
  • Tom - update user agreement
  • Dustin - finalize emissions mappings on ER tool and publish modifications to production website.
  • Zac - send Fortran code for generating model-to-obs comparisons (compare.f, sitecomp.f)