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2015-09-02 Tools Workgroup

Date: September 2, 2015
Time: 1-3pm MDT
Call in: 1-800-768-2983 and access code 4918837

IWDW Visualization Tools Workgroup





Kevin Briggs, Ken Rairigh, Chris Pennell, Rebecca Matichuk, Ryan McCammon, Mary Uhl, Jeff Sorkin, Gail Tonnesen, Ralph Morris, Leonard Herr, Mike Barna, Craig Nichols, John Vimont, Tom Moore, Shawn McClure, Dustin Schmidt, Rodger Ames (possibly others who missed the roll call)


This was a kick-off meeting with the IWDW Team and interested members of the WAQS Tech. Committee. The goal of the call was to engage members of the Tech. Committee in IWDW tool development and deployment. The call included a webinar with demos of five key IWDW online tools. The tool in the demos are used to display, and provide MPE functionality for, the supported modeling platforms in the IWDW. Desired outcomes from the kick-off meeting were to obtain feedback on the tools shown in the demos, and also to solicit volunteers from the Tech. Committee to join a visualization tool workgroup.

Rodger introduced the group, gave an outline for the call, and presented a timeline for IWDW tool development. The timeline showed progress made on IWDW tools starting in 2014 (e.g tools adopted from previous CIRA projects), tools that have either been deployed or are currently under deployment, and anticipated milestones through the end of the current IWDW contract (mid-2016). Rodger outlined a strawman for obtaining feedback on tool development from the Tech. Committee, including a feedback form, and the plan to from a Vis. Tools workgroup.


Image Browser:

Emissions Review tool:

Geospatial tools:

Source Apportionment tool:

Query Wizard:


Action Items