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2022 Emissions Modeling Platform Wiki


This Wiki is for use by the members of the National Emissions Collaborative (NEC) to facilitate communication and documentation of their activities on the development of 2022-based emissions data for use in air quality planning.

What is the National Emissions Collaborative?

The NEC is a partnership between state emissions inventory staff, multi-jurisdictional organizations (MJOs), federal land managers (FLMs), EPA, and others to develop an emissions modeling platform for use in air quality planning. The NEC is structured around workgroups organized by emissions inventory sectors (see Workgroups list below). The workgroups will work independently and in parallel on the inventory sectors in pursuit of the creation of 2022 base year and future year emissions inventories for air quality modeling.

A coordination workgroup will provide logistical support and facilitation to the sector workgroups as they move toward the goal of well-documented model-ready emissions for use in air quality planning. Additional details of the NEC are available in the 2022 Inventory Collaborative Development Work Plan (add link).

Emissions Modeling Platform Releases

2022v1 Platform

2022v2 Platform

  • Base year data review April 2025
  • Base year finalized data coming June 2025
  • Analytic year data review Summer 2025
  • Analytic year data finalized Fall 2025

National Report Out Calls

The NEC holds quarterly webinars to report on the progress of the workgroups on developing a 2022-based national emissions modeling platform. These quarterly calls are open to anyone to attend. The call agendas and call-in information will be posted on the call wikis below within a day or two of the scheduled call.

To receive a calendar invitation for an upcoming call, please email Mary Uhl at

Next call: May 1, 2024 14:00 Eastern

February 7, 2024 14:00 Eastern

November 1, 2023 14:00 Eastern

August 2, 2023 14:00 Eastern

Workgroup Wikis

Coordination 2022



2022 EMP Modeling

Background on WIKIs

What is a Wiki?

A wiki is basically a website that can be edited by users through a web browser. Wikis allow site users to easily add content using simple text editing tools. Where traditional websites require more sophisticated coding and content interfaces, a wiki has a low barrier for users to get in and create content.

Why a Wiki for the NEC?

Anyone with access to the Web via a browser can see and edit wiki content. As some of the states involved in the Collaborative have expressed concerns about access to G-Suite (Google Drive, Google Docs, etc.), this wiki is a way to facilitate access to content by anyone.

How to use this wiki + quick tutorial

How to use the Collaborative Google Drive

G-Suite (Google Drive, Google Docs, Sheets, Groups, etc.) has been set up by LADCO for facilitating document creation and file sharing among the Collaborative workgroups. The 2022 EMP Google Drive is the central location for this effort.

The co-leads of the Collaborative workgroups will be given full access, including the ability to add new users, to the workgroup folders so that they can tailor the access to the needs of their workgroup.


2022 EMP Google Drive

2022 EMP Development Plan

2022 EMP Workgroups and co-leads

Rationale for the 2022 Base Year