Inventory Collaborative 2016v1 Emissions Modeling Platform
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The 2016 v1 platform has been developed by the National Emissions Collaborative.Release Timeline
October 1, 2019: 2016 base year data, emissions processing software and scripts; 2023 and 2028 inventories; 2016 premerged emissions (i.e. SMOKE outputs) are en route to IWDWLater in October: Scripts for processing 2023 and 2028, premerged emissions for 2023 and 2028.
Disclaimer: Users of these data acknowledge that they are distributed as is. If any questions arise regarding the data, please report the issues via the CMAS center forum as described below.
Click here to download components of 2016v1 from the Intermountain West Data Warehouse.
NOTE: The WRAP oil and gas inventory will be added to the distribution once QA and integration are complete.
If you do not need a full modeling platform and are instead interested in only a subportion of the inventories or ancillary data, or in summary reports for specific sectors, you can find data of that nature at
Report Issues/Feedback
We encourage users of the 2016v1 emissions data to provide feedback to the Collaborative on any issues or concerns discovered in these data. Please see the current list of data updates and currently known issues and data upgrades.
Questions and problems with the data, and problems with the software in the platform release package are examples of the types of issues to post to the forum.
Instructions for submitting a comment topic:
- Go to the CMAS Center forum
- Click New Topic in the upper right corner of the page
- Type in the topic subject (like an email subject)
- Click on 'Uncategorized' and search for *2016* to find the NEI Modeling platform and Collaborative Modeling Platform 2016 categories
- Type in the body of your topic (like the body of an email)
- Click Create Topic to finish the process
In late 2017, a group of state, local, tribal, regional, and federal air planning agencies initiated a collaborative process to build a national emissions modeling platform (EMP) for simulating air quality in the U.S. The 2016v1 emissions modeling platform is the current product from the National Emissions Inventory Collaborative that includes a full suite of base year (2016) and future year inventories, ancillary emissions data, and scripts and software for preparing the emissions for air quality modeling.A coordination workgroup, ten sector workgroups, and a modeling workgroup were staffed by over 245 state and regional air agency, EPA, and Federal Land Manager employees. The work of the sector workgroups to build 2016 base year and future year inventories is documented in a series of sector-specific specification sheets below. These specification sheets detail the origin of the inventories and ancillary data used to simulate criteria pollutant, and in many cases hazardous air pollutant, emissions for the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.
The summary stacked bar plots below compare U.S. total criteria pollutant emissions for the 2016beta platform back to 2011 and 2014 base and future year emissions. These will be updated to include the 2016v1 platform emissions soon.
The documentation is available as a separate document for each modeling sector (any documents not yet updated to reflect 2016v1 data will have broken links until they are updated):
- Mobile - Onroad
- Mobile - Nonroad
- Mobile - Nonroad - C1/C2 Commercial Marine Vessels
- Mobile - Nonroad - C3 Commercial Marine Vessels
- Mobile - Nonroad - Rail
- Point - EGU - ERTAC
- Point - EGU - IPM
- Point - non-IPM
- Point - Airports
- Point - Fires - Agricultural
- Point - Fires - Wild and Prescribed
- Canada - Mobile - Onroad
- Mexico - Mobile - Onroad
- Canada/Mexico - Point
- Canada/Mexico - Point - Fires
- Canada/Mexico - Nonpoint
- Canada - Nonpoint - Area Fugitive Dust
- Canada - Point - Dust
- Canadian Inventory Documentation
2016v1 Platform Updates and Known Issues
As different air quality modeling labs have processed and analyzed the 2016v1 platform emissions data, issues have been discovered and, in some cases, corrected. The known issues, data updates, and replacement data for the 2016v1 platform are documented below.
2016v1 Platform Updates and Known Issues wiki
Summary Plots
Descriptions of the emissions platform cases in the summary data and plots are as follows:
- 2011en, 2023en, 2028el = Final 2011, 2023, and 2028 cases from the 2011v6.3 platform
- 2014fd = NEI2014v2 and 2014 NATA
- 2016ff, 2023ff, 2028ff = 2016, 2023, and 2028 cases from the 2016beta platform
- 2016fh, 2023fh, 2028fh = 2016, 2023, and 2028 cases from the 2016v1 platform






Summary Data and Additional Analysis Products
Access 2016v1 platform emissions summaries, including comparisons to previous (2011 and 2014) emissions modeling platforms and future year inventory projections.
2016v1 summary reports from the EPA FTP site:
LADCO Plot Viewer
Pre-generated, graphical emissions summaries including bar charts, thematic maps, and gridded maps
IWDW Emissions Review Tool
Interactive website with capabilities to generate customized bar charts and maps of the 2016beta and future year emissions
How to Cite
2016v1 platformNational Emissions Inventory Collaborative (2019). 2016v1 Emissions Modeling Platform. Retrieved from
Specification sheets (e.g., onroad mobile)
National Emissions Inventory Collaborative (2019). Specification Sheet - 2016v1 Platform Onroad Mobile Emissions. Retrieved from
Assembling, evaluating, and documenting the initial release of the 2016v1 platform involved over 245 committed air quality scientists across multiple state, local, tribal, and regional agencies, and EPA and Federal Land Management agencies. Several consultants and industry employees contributed to the workgroups through participating in conference calls and presenting on important inventory developments that were relevant to the Collaborative.Particular acknowledgement of the workgroup co-leads is due, as they worked to recruit, organize, and lead their workgroups through the Collaborative platform development and documentation process.
Refer to the Collaborative inventory workgroup wikis for complete lists of the workgroup co-leads and participants.