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Mobile Source Emissions Inventory Projections Project


For western U.S. regional analysis using photochemical modeling for Regional Haze, WESTAR-WRAP is assisting state air agencies to review and, to the extent necessary and feasible, revise the 2028 future year mobile sources (i.e., on-road, off-road equipment, rail, marine, and airport) emission inventory. The basis of the future year 2028 mobile source emission inventory will be the 2014-2016 Modeling Collaborative 2016v1 future year 2028 inventory, with revisions per state agency input. The process allows participants to review and provide updates to these emissions inventories. Feedback and revisions to the inventories may be incorporated into air quality modeling by the WRAP for regional photochemical modeling.



10/17/19 linkMeeting

  1.        Welcome/Introductions (Tom Moore)
    a.       Roll call
    b.       Mobile Source Emission Inventory Projections Project in context of Regional Haze
  2.        Review agenda (John Grant)
  3.        On-road emission inventory methods and Request for agency review/input (Tejas Shah)
    Onroad activity spreadsheet
    Description of spreadsheet...
    b.       Presentation slides
  4.        Next steps (John Grant)