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2015-09-02 Tools Workgroup

Date: September 2, 2015
Time: 1-3pm MDT
Call in: 1-800-768-2983 and access code 4918837

IWDW Visualization Tools Workgroup





Kevin Briggs, Ken Rairigh, Chris Pennell, Rebecca Matichuk, Ryan McCammon, Mary Uhl, Jeff Sorkin, Gail Tonnesen, Ralph Morris, Leonard Herr, Mike Barna, Craig Nichols, John Vimont, Tom Moore, Shawn McClure, Dustin Schmidt, Rodger Ames (possibly others who missed the roll call)


This was the kick-off meeting with the IWDW Team and interested members of the WAQS Tech. Committee to engage Project Cooperators in IWDW visualization tool development and deployment. The call included a webinar with demos of five IWDW online visualization tools that display, and provide MPE functionality for, the modeling platforms supported by the IWDW. Desired outcomes from the meeting were to obtain feedback on the tools, and to solicit volunteers from the Tech. Committee in a visualization tool workgroup.

Rodger Ames introduced the group and presented an outline for the call. A timeline for IWDW tool development showed progress made on IWDW tools starting in 2014 (largely tools adopted from previous projects), tools that have either been deployed or are currently under deployment, and anticipated milestones through the end of the current IWDW contract (mid-2016).

A smaller workgroup was proposed that to work with the IWDW development team on visualization tools.

A template for Cooperator feedback was proposed that separated comments into three tiers; quick fixes, longer term development suggestions, and bug reports.


Image Browser:

Purpose: Provides access to pre-generated model performance evaluation plots;plots. ViewUsers can view a wide variety of scatter plots, soccer plots, bar charts, and maps demonstrating model performance for WAQS modeling platforms and modeling scenarios.

The demo showed examples of sensitivity analysis results for various model configurations, including met. (e.g. 2011b winter WRF), and PGM (MOVES 2014 sensitivities, GCBCs, NOx adjustments) configurations.

An index of the available images for the 2011 platform illustrated the current organizational structure of the plots included in the tool, and provides a means to search the image archive. For example searching by obs. network generates the following statistics for number of images for each netowrk: CASTNET (1663); CSN (670); AQS (2549); AMON (99); NADP (792); IMPROVE (3329); UGWOS (126); CDPHE (60); WYDEQ (186), and images by State: CO (5811); UT (3697); WY (3590); NM (138).

Other examples for emissions (e.g. O&G vs non-O&G source regions), model sensitivity (e.g. MOVES NOx sensitivity), Model-to-obs and model-to-model comparisons were included in the demo.

Quick fixes: Could easily reorganize plot file structure to allow tool to display different selection box hierarchies and/or plot groupings.

Development: The group suggested including O3 spatial plots from Gail's MPE of the 2011a platform, and images generated from external modeling studies slated for inclusion in the IWDW, such as Leonard Herr's ARMS project.

Bugs: none

Emissions Review tool:

Purpose: View charts and graphs of annual emissions totals by State, County, and SCC from WAQS modeling platforms and modeling scenarios. Charts are generated dynamically from the IWDW database. Emissions at the SCC level are displayed in tabular format.

Demo: The 2011a base modeling case was the starting point to show differences in chemical species categories for VOC, NOx, and CO emissions. Looking at Weld CO, Colorado, VOCs are dominated by O&G source categories, however adding NOx and CO to the charts demonstrates how these chemical species introduce non-O&G emissions sources (specifically MOVES onroad mobile). The tool was then switched to the 2008b base case, to illustrate how the tool maintains its previous settings when switched to a different modeling platform; useful for seeing changes in specific emissions across modeling platforms.

Quick fixes: consistent color themes for source categories; include source category metadata

Development: Allow simultaneous display across multiple modeling platforms/scenarios.

Bugs: Multiple modeling platforms can be selected at once in the scenario pane, causing a error.

Geospatial tools:

Purpose: Provide onlineProvides geospatial display capabilities for emissions datasets and modeling output for WAQS modeling platforms. The tools allow users to overlay relevant geospatial layer informationlayers with modeling output,emissions and PGM output. The tools also provide map interfaces that provide a means to browse emissions data by geographic entities.

Dustin demoed two versions of geospatial tools, one based on ESRI's ArcGIS Online platform that allowed mining of emissions datasets (eg. linking county FIPS codes in "stock" spatial layers to codes in the IWDW emissions database) in the IWDW using a GIS deployment on ESRI servers. This allows for fairly rapid development of geospatial selection tool for mining data and metadata in the IWDW. The second tool displayed geospatial layers created from WAQS PGM output; the demo showing animations of the layer one O3 output for 2008b, overlaid with monitoring sites where the site icons are color coded to match the obs. value. This tool was appealing to the group for it potential value in MPE, however the benefit of continued development would need to be weighed against the potentially large development effort.

Quick fixes:



Source Apportionment tool:

Purpose: View charts of source category-specific contributions to Daily Maximum 8-hour ozone concentrations at monitoring sites in the WAQS 4km Detailed Source Apportionment Domain (DSAD).

Quick fixes:



Query Wizard:

Purpose: Provides a variety of interactive tools and applications to visualize, explore, filter, and download raw and aggregated observational air quality and meteorolological data and relevant metadata from the integrated database in customizable formats.

Quick fixes:




Action Items