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2017-01-11 WAQS monitoring network assessment working group

Date: January 11, 2017
Time: 11:30-Noon MST
Call in: 1-800-768-2983 and access code 4918837


  1. Webinar:
  2. Working Group Wiki
    WAQS Monitoring Network Assessment
  3. A version of AQS monitors that includes initial and last reported sample dates (monitors with last_sample_date >=2010)
    AQS monitors by state and date.xlsx
  4. Powerpoint for the call
    WAQS Monitoring Network Assessment WG2.pptxWG3.pptx


  1. ReviewDec. monitoring- siteJan. list (items 4 and 5 above)activities
  2. GatherMonitoring feedbacksites
    1. 3SAQS/WAQS from states on current monitoring network configuration and planned network changessupport
    2. OutlineState analysisAgencies
    3. USFS
    4. BLM phaseRegions
    5. Tribes
    6. Industry
    7. Local ofMunicipalities WAQS(City monitoring& networkCounty)
    8. IMPROVE
    9. NPS assessmentGPM
    10. CASTNet

  3. Parameters
    1. O3, PM2.5, NO2, NO, NOx, VOCs, PM2.5, S & N deposition, Met.
  4. Data analysis


Action Items