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Project and Data Request Overview

Initiating Data Requests

There are two pathways to request modeling platform I/O and other supporting data from the IntermountainWest WestAir Quality Data Warehouse: through1. aVia newthe DW "Projects" page, or existing Project, or2. by submitting a Direct Data Request.

  1. Start a new Project link
    To initiate a new project on the DW, users must be registered with the DW and have Project Manager privileges. Generally these roles are assigned to Users who are affiliated with agencies that sponsor projects using DW data. Typical sponsoring agencies include, but are not limited to, the EPA, BLM, NPS, or other agencies or organizations with individuals who have been pre-approved by the 3-State Cooperators to obtain data from the DW. This is the preferred approach for projects that will use DW files for NEPA modeling studies. When a project is created, Team members can be assigned to that project and all members of the project team will be able to submit data requests. There can be multiple data requests associated with each project.
  2. Submit a Direct Request link
    This avenue allows general users, who may not have pre-approval by the 3-State cooperators, to initiate data requests. This is the recommend pathway for individuals who are affiliated with universities, agencies outside the purview of the 3-State Cooperators, or other interested parties, to request data from the DW. Such requests will be sent to the IMDW Team for approval.

Data Request Help

When Users initiate a data request they are directed to the data request interface. A step-by-step procedure for filling out the request form can be found by following the Help link at the top of the Data Request page.

Criteria for Approval

  1. Data Selection. Use the browser to view available modeling platforms and available model I/O. Expand the tree view in the left-hand panel and add files to your request. If data are not available, this status will be indicated in the left hand panel. Requests for unavailable data can be submitted, however the will not be approved until the data have undergone review by the Three State Cooperators and are made available on the Data Warehouse.
  2. Basic parameters and supporting metadata.
    In order to be approved, each Data Request must include basic parameters (name of requestor, intended use, and other details specified on the data request form). We encourage users either enter and/or upload supporting documents that describe their proposed modeling domain and intended use of files supplied by the Data Warehouse. Two examples of external documentation provided by DW users are here example 1 (pdf) and here example 2 (pdf).
  3. Project Sponsor.
    All data requests must have a sponsor that is affiliated with the Three State Project. If your request is made on behalf of a research institution or other organization outside the Three State Project, and you have not identified a Three State Sponsor, you can select Tom Moore as sponsor and submit your request for approval.
  4. Data Use Agreement:
    Please read and acknowledge the Data Use Agreement that accompanies each Data Request.