Western U.S. regional analysis - emissions inventories for Regional Haze planning
For western U.S. regional analysis using photochemical modeling for Regional Haze, WESTAR-WRAP is assisting state air agencies in their review of the 2014v2 NEI. The process will allow participants to review and provide updates to these inventories . Feedback and revisions to the inventories may be incorporated into air quality modeling by the WRAP for regional photochemical modeling.Process
The initial review step for EPA's 2014v2 NEI following a three phase process is described in this May 22, 2018 memo. The initial review aspects listed in the memo can be evaluated using 3 data review options below. Option 1 is a high level review will look at tabular state and county inventories for key pollutants. Option 2 will enable a more detailed review to examine additional inventory parameters, such as individual point sources. Option 3 will allow review of a map-based emissions inventory review tool provided by the IWDW. Additional description and materials for the review process are provided below. Subsequent memoranda for additional review of 2014NEIv2 and other base and projection inventories will be added over time.Option 1
Sector summary spreadsheet and charting tool. County level emissions totals for pollutants CO, NH3, NOx, PM10, PM2.5 and SO2.
2014v2_allsector_summary_WRAP_crosstab.xlsx (provided by Farren Herron-Thorpe, Washington State Dept. of Ecology)
Modified version of the above spreadsheet that includes state/tribal summaries and calculations of anthropogenic totals and 80% threshold. (see the "Readme" tab)
FHT2014NEIv2_summary.xlsx (provided by Roslyn Higgin, NMENV)
Facility emissions summaries from 2014 NEI v2. Excel spreadsheet with a list of all the facilities in each state, broken down by EI Sector, so that comparisons can be made to the sector summary if desired. There is also a sheet that lists all the facilities with a “Q” greater than 1 Ton.
WRAP_Facility_CAPs_Summary.xlsx (provided by Farren Herron-Thorpe)
Option 2
Data for individual point sources for 16 pollutants from EPA's 2014v2 modeling platform. The point data are for non-fire inputs (e.g. pt_oilgas, ptegu, ptnonipm, and cmv_c3 for California, Oregon and Washington). The Excel spreadsheets contain parameters such as annual emissions, facility name and ID, and stack parameters where applicable.
- Alaska (7Mb)
- Arizona (3Mb)
- California (150Mb csv file)
- Colorado (8Mb)
- Hawaii (1Mb)
- Idaho (2Mb)
- MT Dakotas (2Mb)
- Nevada (6Mb)
- New Mexico (2Mb)
- Oregon (3Mb)
- Tribes (0.5Mb)
- Utah (3Mb)
- Washington (4Mb)
- Wyoming (4Mb)
Option 3
Map-based emissions review tool on the IWDW (addition of 2014 NEIv2 and augmented inventories for regional haze modeling are pending)
Comment Memos from Reviewing Agencies
Comment memos from reviewing agencies are posted below by inventory reviewed. States may need to coordinate with tribes and local air agencies for review completeness. There may be multiple comment memos from an agency for the same inventory. These comments will be addressed in the processing of the inventories for regional haze modeling.
Note from Farren Herron-Thorpe regarding interpretation of the summary data spreadsheets under Phase 1, above:
For example, if you look at the emissions totals for “Industrial Processes – Petroleum Refineries”, it will be less than the total facility emissions for all petroleum refineries. All boiler emissions are added into the “Fuel Combustion – Industrial Boilers, xxxxx” category, even if they are at a refinery facility.
If you would like to see how your facilities have been split up amongst the sector summary categories, I can send you out a table for your state.
Reviewing Agency | 2014NEIv2 Inventory | Comments | Attachments | Date |
Alaska | ||||
Arizona | All sectors | No substitutions needed | 6/27/2018 | |
Albuquerque | All sectors | No need for any changes | 5/17/2018 | |
California | Mobile Sources | Email thread regarding use of CA's EMFAC vs. EPA's MOVES model for mobile source emissions | CARB Comments | 5/1/2018 |
Colorado | All sectors | Sectors appear consistent with [Colorado] data | Colorado Comments | 5/16/2018 |
Hawaii | See comments and data attachments | See attached comments | Hawaii comments; Hawaii Comparison of Phase 1 spreadsheet to HI SLEIS; HI Data Pt Src review | 6/13/2018 |
Idaho | RWC | Updates to 2014v2 RWC inventories for Idaho | Idaho Comments; 2014 NEIv2 RWC Corrected | 5/30/2018 |
Montana | All sectors | No changes to 2014 NEI | 6/14/2018 | |
Nevada | All sectors, emphasis on major point sources | No changes at this time; Washoe County indicated their MOVES inputs were not included | Nevada comments | 6/20/2018 |
New Mexico | ||||
North Dakota | Point sources and other sectors | Inventories look reasonable | North Dakota Comments | 5/30/2018 |
Oregon | ||||
South Dakota | All sectors | No changes | 6/28/2018 | |
Utah | ||||
Washington | Construction Dust; Fireplace emissions | EPA's emissions calculation methodology for construction dust is over-generalized for Washington state; Updated fireplace emissions for four counties in the Puget Sound area | Washington Comments WA_2014_ConstructionDust_EI_Revisions.xlsx; WA_2014_Fireplace_EI_Revisions.xlsx WA_2014_Fireplace_EI_Revisions.docx | 4/24/2018; 6/27/2018 |
Wyoming | Raised concerns for Unpaved Road Emission; recommendations for representativeness of point source emissions | See attached | Wyoming Comments | 6/14/2018 |
- The 2014v2 NEI Technical Support Document is posted on the 2014. NEI website
- SCC to emissions sector mapping table SCC Codes (Obtained from EPA's SCC download site, July 1, 2018)
SCC to emissions sector mapping tableNEI website
Future 2016 Modeling Platform Review
- Corrections to 2016 alpha nonroad emissions (May 31, 2018) (see 2016fd_inputs_nonroad_corrected.zip) ftp://newftp.epa.gov/Air/emismod/2016/alpha/2016fd/emissions/