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2016_0204 dw operations

Date: Feb. 4, 2016
Time: 3:00-4:00pm MST
Call in: 1-800-768-2983 and access code 4918837


1. Action items from the previous call

2. Data request overview

3. Modeling platforms

4. Tool development

  • Update from Tools workgroup call
  • MPE plot browser
  • Model-to-obs
  • Emissions GIS - demos
    • Counties colored by selected parameter magnitude: demo
    • Pie chart w/ drilldown State/County -> Source Category - > SCC: demo

5. Follow up on CARMMS/Mancos Shale discussions

6. Other items


Pending action items: Zac - NEI based O&G basins wiki Rodger - follow up with Zac on 2011b file transfer status Shawn - get verdict from ACNS on ports for Globus: now word yet Shawn - finish mods to MPE plot browser: adding sort and filter to table Shawn - import 2011b model-to-obs datasets: will focus on using obs db; Zac will send files for UT, WY, CO special studies that are not in obs db. Rodger/Tom - solicit input for Procedures doc. Ralph - Modeling platform spec sheets

Follow up on API request for R1 SA spreadsheets: IWDW will post spreadsheets and make them available to Tech. Comm. for review. API has cited these in comments.

Ralph indicated Environ should be able to get the 2011a SA visualization tool, including the virtual receptor grid, to the DW next week.

File Transfers: /data3/Base 2011b: AQ/CAMx/output/ transfer complete (check files); CMAQ only JD001

/data2/ Base 2011b: AMET; AQ/CAMx/inputs/icbc/; EMIS/inputs; EMIS/CAMx; EMIS/CAMx/premerged; EMIS/software; MET/WinterO3/WRF; MET/WinterO3/plots

Benchmark packages are pending - Zac is working on emissions processing; long list of things to do given Mohamed's situation. Tom indicated deliverable dates are flexible; Zac pointed out that funding is not.

2011b Future case wiki: Zac showed emissions tile plots (amp-area, point, mobile) with links to plot showing increase in O&G sector

Action Items
