2016_0421 dw operations
Date: Apr. 21, 2016
Time: 2:30-3:300pm MDT
Call in: 1-800-768-2983 and access code 4918837
http://join.me/IWDW-Online1. Action items from the previous call
2. Modeling platforms link
- 2011b modeling & file transfer status
3. Website & Tools
- Update on SA vis. tools, data file delivery, documentation to DW
- Website updates (Public Face pages, index for website and wiki)
- Model-to-obs update
- ERT - QC
- Direct plot file access - WAQS and Cooperator plots (e.g. Gail's 4km O3 spatial plots)
4. Other items
- Prep for 5/6 Tech. Committee call
Reviewed action items from previous call: 2011b recommendations 2nd draft is circulating and will be discussed on next Tech. Committee call; 2008, 2011 R1 &R2 SA visualization tools have been transferred to DW; RA is working with OC on IWDW website "Public Face" content.
Zac uploaded 2011b Future Case plots to DW. Shawn enabled access through MPE Plots tool. Note that these plots only include model-to-obs for CMAQ. Will need to update with CAMx comparisons when modeling is complete.comparisons.
2025 MATS - see combine output on viking /data3/3SDW/3SAQS/2011/Base2025a_11b/AQ/CMAQ/combine/ contains monthly net cdf files for aconc 12 & 4km, depn 4km.
Action Items
- Ralph - File transfers to DW:
- SA csv files for 2011 R1 and R2 (O3 and PM apportionment) and R3 spatial plots;
- 2011b Future Case
CMAxCAMx configuration files and output; - CARMMS modeling platform (emissions and PGM output).
- Zac - File transfers to DW:
- 2014 WRF output, WRFCAMx, MCIP;
- AMET ready "Obs" directory and pearl file with species list;
- SMOKE reports for 2011b Future Case, SMOKE report configuration file.
- Rodger :
- Set up meeting for DW prep for Tech. Comm. Call;
- Continue work on DW "Public Face" web updates;
- Send Ralph disks for ENVIRON file transfers.
- Dustin:
- modify 2011b ERT db: move TOG from parameter to VOC source category (label as "TOG from MOVES Onroad Mobile);
- reload 2011b Future SMOKE reports to ERT db when these data are available