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Coordination Committee for 2022 Platform

2022 Emissions Modeling Platform Wiki Main Page

Coordination Committee Meetings

Held the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 2:00 p.m. Eastern.

Next meeting: October 11, 2023

September 13, 2022


  1. Status of the 2022 Platform Development Plan
  2. Coordination committee member roles in facilitating the 2022 EIC
  3. Update on communication coordination from Tom and Tom
  4. Update on the Projections workgroup
  5. Plans for the 2022-related talks at the 2022 EIC (agenda now available)
  6. Announcement that the 2020 platform should be released before the EIC


Status of the 2022 Platform Development Plan

  • Need to determine when is it good enough
  • Set a date and put a version date to share it (September 20)
  • Want it in a form to share by the EIC
  • Tom and Tom are borrowing information in the communication plan
  • There are few things in the plan that we’ll need to circle back to later, or don’t need as much detail at this point - add notes as an Appendix
  • Note parts that are still to be completed or where we need input to the document from workgroups
  • Freeze the plan on 9/20

Coordination committee member roles in facilitating the 2022 EIC

  • Zac and Alison describe how coordination committee members will advocate for the process in the different workgroups
  • Tom expressed concerns that the activity in each workgroup could be different if we don’t have a consistent/coordinated plan
  • Communication plan needs to be in place to ensure that the messages are consistent across workgroups
  • When we get to point of needing actual work in the workgroups, how do we get that work done?
  • Need someone to bring the technical issues to the different groups
  • How long will the technical interactions go on until we move into development? Does scope involve new technical work or not?
  • ACTION: need to make a table of workgroups with meeting dates, WG leads, CC leads to interface with them
  • Susan will help in the ERTAC and IPM workgroups

Update on communication coordination

  • CC to provide feedback on communication plan by next week
  • Tom will generate the slides and coordination committee members can deliver to the workgroups
  • Coordination committee 2022EC advocates to present slides on the communication to the workgroups
  • Zac/Alison to create a table of workgroups with primary contacts, and column with advocates from the coordination committee in each group

Plans for the 2022-related talks at the 2022 EIC

  • Lightning talk on the collaborative
  • Alison/Zac co-chairing session on inventories for AQM Wednesday morning 2nd half to have a block on the collaborative:
    • 20 min introduction talk on the 2022 EC;
    • panel with 4x 5 min talks and
    • 20 min community discussion
  • Hope to see Coordination committee members at the panel and at the conference

Update on the Projections workgroup

  • Calls 1st Wed at 3 Central
  • Draft charge/workplan available
  • Alison drafted a table of sectors with suggested / recent projection methods for each
  • Will create collaboration tools for the group to use

2020 platform Announcement

Follow up items

  • Do we need a subset of the coordination committee to dig into, e.g., technical improvements?
  • How can we encourage people to reach out broadly about projections, identify where there needs more work/attention?
  • Still working on collaborative communication mechanisms.
  • How can people get "on the list" for quarterly calls / collaborative communication?
  • Need to set up link for November 2 call

August 9, 2023


  1. Feedback on August 2 kickoff webinar
  2. Status of 2022 development plan review
  3. Known data calls for states
  4. Collaborative at 2023 Emission Inventory Conference
  5. Roles of the communications team
  6. Where to hold non-sector-specific technical discussion


Feedback on August 2 kickoff webinar

Status of 2022 development plan review

  • Sent to Coordination Committee
  • Hope to publish late August or early September
  • Need to review 2020 inventory and have some discussion points
  • ACTION: comments due to August 18
  • ACTION: need clarify timeline for various activities (data review, etc)
  • Need to explain differences between v1 and v2

Known data calls for states

  • Year 2022 Vehicle miles traveled by MOVES source type or HPMS vehicle type by county - can be a spreadsheet
  • Fire activity data will be requested around September
  • Some projection-related data will be needed (fall-winter)
  • Staffing workgroups and reviewing data products

2023 Emission Inventory Conference

  • Tentative agenda is available
  • Plan for one hour at AQ modeling session: intro talk, panel, community discussion

Important things to know

  • Which sectors have significant changes between 2017 and 2020?
  • What will EPA do with data states provide for mobile sources?
  • How will v1 and v2 be used?

Roles of the communications team

  • Would like to encourage states with smaller air programs to participate in data review - need to explain why it is important
  • Give opportunities for feedback
  • There has been attrition and staff turnover, so this is new to some
  • Need to make sure folks know how data will be used and how the data have been prepared

Where to hold non-sector-specific technical discussion

  • Examples include review of data summaries by speciation, spatial, and temporal profiles
  • What about non-EGU point issues - a sector that doesn't have a workgroup?