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Linux Server Configuration

This page will be updated with configuration notes during the process of configuring the first new clone of viking.

Raid and Disk Management
Globus and Server Data Sync
File System Permissions and Ownership

Globus Endpoint Configuration

Needed to install epel release

curl -LOs
rpm --import
yum -y install globus-connect-server-repo-latest.noarch.rpm
yum -y install yum-plugin-priorities
yum -y install epel-release
yum -y install globus-connect-server

Next configure /etc/globus-connect-server.conf with globus account credentials, default folder, folder restrictions.



This will cause an endpoint to be listed in the Transfer files web interface. I made the error of attempting to add a new endpoint but was never able to activate it. Need to use the autogenerated endpoing iwdwcira#[name].

Endpoint is activated with ssh credentials. This could probably be done with ssh keys instead to prevent the need to activate. Using activation there is an expiration time.