This page is intended to document the procedure for requesting data from the Three State Data Warehouse within the context of a 3SDW cooperator sanctioned analysis project.
Request Procedure
Request Status Definition
Status | Definition | Requestor | Project Manager | Admin |
Started | The DataRequest has been initiated on the TSDW website by a user who has completed one or more fields on the request form, but the request has not yet been submitted. A “started” (unsubmitted) request can be returned to and built over time by the user until he/she decides to actually submit it. | x | x | x |
Submitted | A user has clicked the “Submit” button on a completed request. The request can now appear in any lists of submitted requests that are shown to administrators and project managers on the website. | | | x |
Approved | The request has been officially approved. We have yet to formally define the approval process. | | | x |
Disapproved | The request has been explicitly denied. We probably need a “Notes” or “Comments” field (or multiple records in a separate, linked “DataRequestNotes” table) for specifying the reasons for disapproval. As one possible example, let’s say that the request is denied because the user didn’t sufficiently and/or properly fill out all the required fields. In that case, the request could be potentially submitted again after the user corrects/completes his entries. | | | x |
Filling | The request is being filled. Right now, and for NEPA requests in particular, this takes the form of someone copying the desired files onto a hard disk. In the future, this may be expanded to mean that the Wget script for downloading the data has yet to be generated. | | | x |
Filled | The request has been completely filled and is pending delivery. For hard disk fulfillment, this means that all the necessary files have been copied to set of hard disks and that the disks are awaiting packing/shipping/delivery. For Wget fulfillment, this means that the appropriate Wget scripts have been generated. | | | x |
Data Delivered | The requested data has been sent to the requesting user (i.e. either the hard disks have been shipped or the Wget script has been sent) | | | x |
Data Received | The requesting user has acknowledged that the data has been received. | x | x | x |
Data Incomplete | The requesting user has indicated that there is an issue with the received data (it’s incomplete, unreadable, erroneous, etc.) If this is the case, the request would revert to a previous status that’s relevant to the reason for which it has been flagged. For instance, if the disk was unreadable by the user, the request might simply revert to a status of “Filling” while we recopy the data onto a new disk. | x | x | x |
Data Accepted | The data has been explicitly “signed off on” by the user. | x | x | x |
Complete | The life cycle of the Data Request is over and the request is considered historical | | | x |
Registered User
Any user registered for the site
- View (Read-only) all projects
- View (Read-only) all Data Requests
Project Collaborator / Team Member
A Registered User who has been added to a project by the Project Manager
- View (read-only) all projects
- Issue data requests within a Project they have been assigned to.
- Edit Data Requests they have created
- Submit Data requests they have created
- Sign-off Data requests they have created
Project Manager
A Registered user who is also a member of a 3SDW cooperating agency (BLM, EPA, NPS, etc). Project Managers regulate access to warehouse data and monitor the data transfer progress. Project Managers may also submit Data Requests
- Create new projects
- Edit projects they manage
- View (read-only) all projects
- Issue data requests within a project they manage
- Assign registered users to a project they manage
Administrators are warehouse staff who are responsible for monitoring and fulfilling data requests.
- Create new projects
- Edit any project
- Edit any data request