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May 1, 2024 14:00 Eastern

2022 EMP Wiki Main Page

Inventory Collaborative Development Plan

National Emissions Collaborative Quarterly Update for the 2022 Emissions Modeling Platform
Wednesday, May 1, 2024 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM EDT

Presentation Materials

Download the webinar slides

Data Review Kickoff Presentation recording


This webinar provideswill informationprovide onan howupdate toof the National Emissions Collaborative (NEC) process for developing the 2022 emissions modeling platform (EMP). The NEC communications team will review key engagement opportunities over the next quarter. We will then review the 2022v1 basedraft data release and review period. U.S. EPA will present data on their 2022 modeling activities and plans, including sharing results from their meteorology and boundary conditions modeling. We will review results from the 2022v1 emissions data, and then look ahead to the analytic (future) year datainventory development process that is getting underway now. The webinar will wrap up with a review of key upcoming dates, and howwith toan submitopen comments.Q&A/discussion.

All air quality planning stakeholders are invited to join the webinar.


  • Communication support update
  • 2022v1 draft data release
  • U.S. EPA 2022 air quality modeling update
  • 2022v1 emissions data summaries
  • Analytic year review/development plans
  • Schedule reminders and next steps

Next Call

August 7, 2024 @ 2 Eastern