2015_0518 DW operations
Date: May 18, 2015
Time: 2:30pm MDT
Call in: 1-800-768-2983 and access code 4918837, *2092#
Contents [hide]
1. 2011a modeling platform status- Update from Modeling Center (any changes since 4/28 2011a Modeling Platform version?)
2. Status of DW Data Requests
- Data Request status
(changes2015_0515 Summary - Schedule DW stewards call)
3. Road map for DW tool development
- Time line for developing and publishing current tools (emissions review, image browser, model-to-obs, SA tool)
- Thoughts on current tools - how to get apples to compare to other apples...
- Discussion on providing GIS based data/data mining capabilities
- Tier 1: generate and provide shape files (emissions, PGM output, etc. Add GIS feature selection to platform request page Alternate data selection form)
- Tier 2: provide GIS enabled drill down capabilities
- Model post processing (e.g. model-to-obs data pairings)
- As part of DW data ingest QA
- Shift responsibility from Modeling Center?
- Schedule DW tool development call
4. To-do list
- Change status of three recent review docs to "Finalizing RtC"?
- Clean up announcements on home page (can home page announcements trigger dynamically, e.g. from Forum post status?)
5. Kudos
- Shawn for diving into Forum issue!