2017-04-07 WAQS Monitoring Network Assessment Working Group
Date: April 7, 2017
Time: 12:30-2:00pm MST
Call in: 1-800-768-2983 and access code 4918837
- Webinar:
https://join.me/IWDW-Online - Working Group Wiki
WAQS Monitoring Network Assessment - Revised WAQS monitoring site list (AQS data update 12/23/2016)
WAQS monitoring sites.xlsx - Presentation for the call
WAQS Monitoring Network Assessment WG5.pptx
- Call outline
- Completed tasks
- Items for today's call
- Monitors
- Monitor locations
- Spatial layers for evaluating potential impacts
- Site-to-site analysis
- Correlation analysis
- Representative areas
- WAQS emissions
- PM25, VOCs, NOx (4 and 12km domains)
- AQ modeling preview
- Draft report outline
- WG responses on area served and gap analyses
- Next call - April 19, 20, 21 ?
Rodger lead the group through the WG5 powerpoint presentation linked above. Key topics included an update on the site-to-site correlation analysis, maps showing monitoring site locations and relevant spatial layers aimed at helping the group assess potential regions that are not represented by monitors in the current network. A final set of slide focused on analysis of WAQS 2011b emissions and the intersection of monitors with PM, NOx and VOC emission sources, particularly for O&G sectors.
Attendees: Attendees: Barkley Sive (NPS), Kevin Briggs (CDPHE), Chad Meister (BLM-CO), Doug Kuenzli (MTDEQ), Brad Schultz (SDDENR), Gregory Harshfield (CDPHE), Cara Keslar (WYDEQ), Debbie Miller (NPS), Rita Bates (NMED), Zac Adelman (UNC-IE), Roman, Rodger Ames (CIRA), Tom Moore (WESTAR/WRAP)
Action Items
Rodger willRodger: add spatial layers of Indian lands to the presentation maps.
WG participants are encouraged to provide updated information regarding O&G activity in their states. Such information could be updates O&G well locations, leasing information, and recent changes in monitor status.
WG participants are also encouraged to review the maps in the powerpointPowerPoint and help identify gaps in the current monitoring network (particularly with respect to current and/or planned O&G development)
The morning of April 20 was suggested for the next call. Rodger will send out an announcement to the group.