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Fire workgroup for 2022 platform

2022 Emissions Modeling Platform Wiki Main Page


Coordinators: Jeff Vukovich (EPA) and Rhonda Payne (WESTAR)

The Fires workgroup will review the 2022 draft and final fire inventories for correctness and completeness. The draft wild and prescribed fire inventory will be prepared using SMARTFIRE2 and BlueSky Pipeline, using activity data sets including the Hazard Mapping System (HMS), Incident Status Summary (ICS-209) reports, and the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) shapefiles (formerly GeoMAC). State and local data will also be incorporated where available. For 2022 agricultural fires, a day-specific FF10 point dataset is available and was developed using the same method as the point agricultural fire data in the 2020 NEI.

Jeff has sent out an optional data request for those thatwho would likewant to provide data in October. If youAll wishfire toactivity seedata this request but haven't, please contact Jeff. Data areis due by December 8.8, 2023.

A first draft of the fire inentoryinventory will bewas shared mid-November. November 22, 2023.

    • The wildland emissions are separated into fireloc files for each state as we normally do for NEI efforts.
    • There are a few summaries available as well and the agricultural burn estimates are in a separate sub-folder (ag_burns).
    • Pile burn emissions are not included in this first draft. This tech memo provides more details on how EPA intends to calculate emissions from pile burns.

The first workgroup meeting iswill plannedbe forTuesday, earlyDecember December. 12, 2023, at 10am eastern.