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EGU Task Force

2022 Emissions Modeling Platform Wiki Main Page

Projections page

EGU Task Force / National Workgroup

Co-leads: Susan McCusker, Alison Eyth



Kickoff Meeting 11/30/2023


  • Identify scope of this task force vs National EGU WG
  • Review methods for 2022 inventory development
    • EGU with CEMS hourly data
    • EGUs without CEMS data (small or other EGUs)
    • Non-EGUs with CEMS - these have hourly data but haven't been used in EPA platforms
  • Discuss file structure to accommodate EPA ptegu and ERTAC ptertac platform choice
  • Discuss methods for projecting 2022 to the analytic years
    • EGUs with CEMS, EGUs without CEMS data, nonEGUs with CEMS [with ERTAC and IPM]
  • How can we manage / warehouse review materials
  • Recommend topics for this task force vs EGU workgroup
  • Schedule standing monthly calls [or use existing EGU workgroup calls 4th Thursday at 2 Eastern?]


1. Identify scope of this vs national WG

Monthly calls would be helpful to coordinate with ERTAC group, could be on 4th Thursday 2 Eastern regular EGU WG meeting.

Are municipal waste combustors (MWCs) covered in this? YES

2. Current methods for EGU emissions modeling

Non-EGUs with CEMS: Plan to discuss at the next EGU WG call – will discuss at this call how EPA has been handling vs how ERTAC has handled

ACTION: Crosswalk between NEEDS, NEI, ERTAC (uses ORIS = CAMD IDs) needs to be updated for 2022 platform

EGUs without CEMS – consider how these are projected and temporally allocated / assigned to peaking and non-peaking profiles – good to circle back to this

3. File structure to accommodate EPA ptegu and ERTAC ptertac platform choice

File structure for EPA / ERTAC platform choices – ERTAC universe of units is mostly the same as ptegu but not exactly the same. Doris suggested a structure that has EGU / non-EGU + reporting to CAMD / not reporting to CAMD. Perhaps ptegu_other, and ptnonegu

  • ERTAC modelers would like to remove projection data done by IPM and replace with ERTAC data

  • It would help them if the file structure is a bit more granular – this would be easier when there are units that use general profiles

  • They would like to see a file that has the part 75 reporters all together [but we treat them as non-EGUs]

  • They will share the mapping chart and we can consider how to refine the platform

4. Managing review materials

We will use a Wiki.

5. Methods for projecting to analytic years

Parsed outputs files for IPM are useful.

How to handle carrying forward data from earlier years and retirements of those?

  • Make sure you look at the latest NEEDS which is updated quarterly. Also see the comparisons across multiple years.

  • It would help to have a summary for states how sources that are permitted but not yet running are reflected.

  • Many new units are renewables

  • Some projects are ‘for sure’ and some are ‘potential’ – can be sorted from EIA 860 data.

At a future meeting, it would be helpful to share how ERTAC tool handles new units – both in the base year and in the analytic year

6. Next meetings

Serpil will add anyone on invitation list for this task force into thatthe December call and next year’s calls

  1. EGU WG 12/14 @ 11 Eastern: We can discuss Part 75 sources – non-traditional discussion at this call “industrial units”
  2. Next call Jan 25th at 2 Eastern (4th Thursday at 2 Eastern)