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EGU Task Force


EGU Task Force / National Workgroup

Co-leads: Susan McCusker, Alison Eyth


Kickoff Meeting 11/30/2023


  • Identify scope of this task force vs National EGU WG
  • Review methods for 2022 inventory development
    • EGU with CEMS hourly data
    • EGUs without CEMS data (small or other EGUs)
    • Non-EGUs with CEMS - these have hourly data but haven't been used in EPA platforms
  • Discuss file structure to accommodate EPA ptegu and ERTAC ptertac platform choice
  • Discuss methods for projecting 2022 to the analytic years
    • EGUs with CEMS, EGUs without CEMS data, nonEGUs with CEMS [with ERTAC and IPM]
  • How can we manage / warehouse review materials
  • Recommend topics for this task force vs EGU workgroup
  • Schedule standing monthly calls [or use existing EGU workgroup calls 4th Thursday at 2 Eastern?]


1. Identify scope of this vs national WG

Monthly calls would be helpful to coordinate with ERTAC group, could be on 4th Thursday 2 Eastern regular EGU WG meeting.

Are municipal waste combustors (MWCs) covered in this? YES

2. Current methods for EGU emissions modeling

Non-EGUs with CEMS: Plan to discuss at the next EGU WG call – will discuss at this call how EPA has been handling vs how ERTAC has handled

ACTION: Crosswalk between NEEDS, NEI, ERTAC (uses ORIS = CAMD IDs) needs to be updated for 2022 platform

EGUs without CEMS – consider how these are projected and temporally allocated / assigned to peaking and non-peaking profiles – good to circle back to this

3. File structure to accommodate EPA ptegu and ERTAC ptertac platform choice

File structure for EPA / ERTAC platform choices – ERTAC universe of units is mostly the same as ptegu but not exactly the same. Doris suggested a structure that has EGU / non-EGU + reporting to CAMD / not reporting to CAMD. Perhaps ptegu_other, and ptnonegu

  • ERTAC modelers would like to remove projection data done by IPM and replace with ERTAC data

  • It would help them if the file structure is a bit more granular – this would be easier when there are units that use general profiles

  • They would like to see a file that has the part 75 reporters all together [but we treat them as non-EGUs]

  • They will share the mapping chart and we can consider how to refine the platform

4. Managing review materials

We will use a Wiki.

5. Methods for projecting to analytic years

Parsed outputs files for IPM are useful.

How to handle carrying forward data from earlier years and retirements of those?

  • Make sure you look at the latest NEEDS which is updated quarterly. Also see the comparisons across multiple years.

  • It would help to have a summary for states how sources that are permitted but not yet running are reflected.

  • Many new units are renewables

  • Some projects are ‘for sure’ and some are ‘potential’ – can be sorted from EIA 860 data.

At a future meeting, it would be helpful to share how ERTAC tool handles new units – both in the base year and in the analytic year

6. Next meetings

EGU WG 12/14 @ 11 Eastern: -       Serpil will add anyone on invitation list for this task force into that call and next year’s calls -       We can discuss Part 75 sources – non-traditional discussion at this call “industrial units”

Next call Jan 25th at 2 Eastern (4th Thursday at 2 Eastern)