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2015_0317 DW Operations

Date: March 17, 2015 2:30pm MST

Time: 1-866-398-2885 and access code 747721


1. Review action items from March 3 call.

2. Re-cap from Feb. 25 Tech. Committee Meeting

  • EPA checklist
  • 2011a & 2011a2 resources and availability on DW
  • anything else...

3. Updates to DW website

  • Data Request UI
  • Documents page and Forum updates

4. Additions to Wiki

  1. MOVES Sensitivity MOVES2014 Sensitivity Modeling Results
  2. Wintertime Urban OC overbias in 2011 runs
  3. Inorganic PM performance
  4. MATS modeling results MATS Modeling Results

5. DW development

  • What are our high priority tools for development?

6. Other DW projects (work we want to keep track of, but don't necessarily need to rehash during every call)

  • ARMS platform
  • O&G workgroup page
  • ENVIRON SA tool
  • In house tool development -Model-to-obs tool -Emissions browser

Wrap Up

Attendees: Shawn, Dustin, Ralph, Zac, Rodger
Call duration: 75min

Action Items

  1. Rodger - Follow up with TM regarding 2011a Platform availability on DW
  2. Dustin - Create data request "report" page
  3. Rodger - Update Data Request status flags & follow up with requestors as necessary.
  4. Rodger - draft data request policy; provide example using Shannon Capps request Projects and Data Request Overview
  5. Zac - wiki entry text for 2011a errata