WRAP 2014 Modeling Terms

AmmNO3Fine Ammonium Nitrate - concentration mg/m3Parameter1
AmmSO4Fine Ammonium Sulfate - concentration mg/m3Parameter1
CMPM2.5 - PM10 (Coarse) Mass - concentration mg/m3Parameter1
EAmmNO3Fine Ammonium Nitrate ExtinctionParameter1
EAmmSO4Fine Ammonium Sulfate ExtinctionParameter1
ECElemental carbon (see LAC).Parameter1
ECFine Elemental Carbon - concentration mg/m3Parameter1
ECMCoarse Mass ExtinctionParameter1
EECFine Elemental Carbon ExtinctionParameter1
EOMCFine Organic Mass ExtinctionParameter1
ESeaSaltFine Sea Salt ExtinctionParameter1
ESoilFine Soil ExtinctionParameter1
OMCFine Organic Mass - concentration mg/m3Parameter1
OMCOrganic mass estimated from the IMPROVE organic carbon measurement (see POM).Parameter1
SeaSaltFine Sea Salt - concentration mg/m3Parameter1
SoilFine Soil - concentration mg/m3Parameter1
TBextTotal Extinction + RayleighParameter1
2002HC2002 HindcastScenario2
2028OTBa2Future Year 2028 with On the Books ControlsScenario2
2028PAC2Future Year 2028 with Potenital Additional ControlsScenario2
2064ZA2064 Zero Anthropgoenic emissionsScenario2
2064ZA2064 Zero Anthropogenic emissions used in U.S. Anthro rate of progress glidepath to 2064Scenario2
FFS1Future Wildfire SensitivityScenario2
FFS2Future Wildland Prescribed (Rx) fire SensitivityScenario2
RepBase2Representative Baseline 2014-2018Scenario2
AgfireUSAgricultural Fire USSourceGroup3
AntCANAnthropogenic CanadaSourceGroup3
AntMEXAnthropogenic MexicoSourceGroup3
AntUSAnthropogenic USSourceGroup3
BC-USContribution attributed to US from outside CAMx model domainSourceGroup3
BCIntBoundary Conditions-InternationalSourceGroup3
BCNatBoundary Conditions-NaturalSourceGroup3
BCUSBoundary Conditions-USSourceGroup3
CMV_nonUSCommercial Marine Vessels-nonUSSourceGroup3
CMVUSCommercial Marine Vessels-USSourceGroup3
EGUElectric Generating UnitSourceGroup3
MobileOnroad, nonroad, rail, Commercial Marine VesselSourceGroup3
NatNatural SourceGroup3
NonEGUNon-EGU point SourceGroup3
OilGasOil and Gas Point and AreaSourceGroup3
OthFrOther Fire (Mexico, Canada) SourceGroup3
Remaining AnthroAgriculture, Fugitive Dust, Ag Fire, Residential Wood CombustionSourceGroup3
RxUSWildland Prescribed fireSourceGroup3
SOAASecondary Organic Aerosols-AnthropogenicSourceGroup3
SOABSecondary Organic Aerosols- BiogenicSourceGroup3
TopContributions from Above the Model Domain (altitude)SourceGroup3
US nonWRAPcontribution assigned to nonWRAP states in 12-km gridSourceGroup3
CatCodeSource Apportionment CategoryField Name4
DataSetModeling ScenarioField Name4
DataYear2014 = 2014 IMPROVE MID; 2016 = RepBase2 Modeled US Anthro MIDField Name4
GroupIDImpairment Group or Visibility Group Field Name4
I_Group Grouping of IMPROVE data based on Impairment (RHR3) definition (e.g. most impaired and least impaired days)Field Name4
ICInitial ConditionsField Name4
M_GroupGrouping of IMPROVE data based on Modeled Source Apportionment for days with highest contributions from US Anthropogenic sourcesField Name4
ParamCodeParamNameField Name4
POC?? Always "1"Field Name4
ProjYearProjection YearField Name4
ScenarioModeling Scenario with Projection MethodField Name4
Scenario LabelModeling ScenarioField Name4
SgCodeSource Apportionment GroupField Name4
V_GroupGrouping of IMPROVE data based on RHR2 Haze definition (e.g. haziest and clearest days)Field Name4

Product Citation:

"TSS Query Results Table - Product #." WRAP Technical Support System (TSS); CSU and the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA), 13 Dec 2024

Product Configuration URL:

General Website Citation:

WRAP Technical Support System (TSS); CSU and the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA), 13 Dec 2024, https://views.cira.colostate.edu/tssv2