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2015_0715 DW operations

Date: July 15, 2015
Time: 1:30pm MDT
Call in: 1-800-768-2983 and access code 4918837


1. Action items from last call 2015_0623 DW operations

2. Modeling Platforms

2. Status of DW Data Requests

  • Capps technical questions
  • Re-cap of July 9 Stewards call

3. DW tool development

4. Other

  • Document postings on DW website

Wrap Up

Modeling platform readme docs:
post 2008 NEPA and CAMx benchmarking docs to DW docs page. Need to create similar docs for 2011 NEPA, and readme to support CMAQ modeling efforts using DW platforms.

ER tool discussion:
Zac noted that onroad mobile source not showing up for NOx
Tom suggested adding details such as color coordination, date stamp on chart, etc. Shawn requested a list of modifications
Zac will provide tables for parameter and source category groupings to add as metadata to the ER tool

DW Documents page:
Because page is getting long, may want to think about adding search capabilities. ALso, distinguish between docs that pertain to a vs. b platforms, etc.

Other topics covered in action items, below.

Action Items

  • Rodger - add Zac's readme docs to DW docs page; clean up other doc links -DONE
  • Dustin - include readme docs as part of respective platform download file structure
  • Zac - provide metadata roll-up tables for ER tool
  • DW team - draft list of style modifications for ER tool and get these to Shawn
  • Rodger - float DW tool demo webinar at Tech. Committee meeting
  • DW team - general website acronym search and replace
    3SAQS to WAQS
    3SDW, WAQDW to IDW
  • Shawn - change DW base url from /tsdw/ to /idw/
  • Tom - send preliminary agenda to DW ops group for 7/23 Tech. Comm. meeting
  • Dustin - prepare a slide with summary statistics for DW data requests
  • Zac - send 2011 WRF met on disks to CIRA
  • Shawn/Rodger - draft para on why CIRA should be involved in review of 2014 modeling RFP