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Connecting to Team Foundation Server

  1. Launch Visual Studio
  2. In the "Team" menu select "Connect to Team Foundation Server" The Team Explorer pane should open.
  3. Click "Select Team Projects" in the Team Explorer pane. The "Connect to Team Foundation Server" dialog will open.
  4. Click the "Servers" button in the dialog. This will open the "Add/Remove Team Foundation Server" dialog.
  5. If no servers are listed click the "Add" button. The "Add Team Foundation Server" dialog will open.
  6. Enter the following server parameters
    1. Name or URL: vibe
    2. Path: tfs
    3. Port number: 8080
    4. Protocol: HTTP
  7. The Preview field should read: http://vibe:8080/tfs
  8. Click the Ok button
  9. Close the "Add/Remove Team Foundation Server" dialog
  10. In the "Connect to Team Foundation Server" dialog select vibe as the server
  11. Click "CIRA-NPS Projects" in the "Team Project Collections" list
  12. Check the WAQDW project in the Team Projects list. The name WAQDW is a misnomer, this project is the EDMF solution including FED, TSDW, projects and others.
  13. Click the Connect button. The dialog will close.
  14. In the "Team Explorer" pane click "Configure Workspace" beneath the "Project" heading. The "Configure Workspace" section will be displayed. This display allows you to map the project (shown as "$/WAQDW" in the first text box) to a folder on your local file system (shown as a path in the second text box)
  15. Click the ellipses to the right of the second text box to select a local folder as your workspace. The local folder can either be empty or contain existing versions of the EDMF applications.
  16. Click the "Map and Get" button. The local folder will be synchronized with the server
  17. In the "Team Explorer" pane the Solutions section should be populated with a listing of solutions included in the project. Double click a solution to open it. You can also open the solution directly from the file system using the local folder specified in the workspace configuration step.